V originále
Práce hraje v životě české populace významnou roli nejen jako zdroj obživy, ale i jako prostředek seberealizace. Analýza dat získaných ve výběrovém souboru reprezentativním pro ČR v rámci European Value Studies ukazuje jakou váhu mají jednotlivé aspekty práce pro jednotlivé sociální kategorie.
Czech population attaches great importance to work in their lives, both as a source of income and as a sphere of realization of their human potential. Factor analysis of work aspects identified three general factors in the aspects of work: an 'instrumental and trade-off' factor (good pay and good job security; generous holidays, good working hours and not too much pressure; pleasant people to work with and good working conditions); social factor (an interesting job, a useful job, a responsible job, a respected job and meeting interesting people); and a self-fulfilment' factor (chances for promotion, possibility of achievement, opportunities to use initiative, opportunity to use one's abilities). The importance attached to individual work aspects differs among members of individual social classes, as well as between men and women within these classes.