J 2003

Phylogenetic relationships of the Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1933 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridea): A need of systematic revision of Ancyrocephalinae

ŠIMKOVÁ, Andrea, Laetitia PLAISANCE, Iveta MATĚJUSOVÁ, Serge MORAND, Olivier VERNEAU et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Phylogenetic relationships of the Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1933 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridea): A need of systematic revision of Ancyrocephalinae

Name in Czech

Fylogenetické vzťahy u Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1933 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridea): potreba systematickej revizie Ancyrocephalinae


ŠIMKOVÁ, Andrea (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Laetitia PLAISANCE (250 France), Iveta MATĚJUSOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Serge MORAND (250 France) and Olivier VERNEAU (250 France)


Systematic Parasitology, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, 0165-5752

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 0.642

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

Monogenea; Dactylogyridae; Molecular phylogeny;18S rDNA


International impact, Reviewed


V originále

Phylogenetic analyses based on partial 18S rDNA sequences ofpolyonchoinean monogeneans were conducted to investigate the relationshipsbetween the suborder Dactylogyrinae and related clades as well as therelationships within the suborder Dactylogyrinae, and position monogenean ancyrocephalid species of freshwater fish with European distribution within Dactylogyridae. We investigated the phylogenetic status of the subfamily Ancyrocephalinae within the family Dactylogyridae. We confirmed the monophyly of the order Dactylogyridae and showed thesister groups relationships between the suborders Tetraonchinea and Dactylogyrinea. Our results confirmed the hypothesis based on previousmorphological studies i.e. Tetraonchidae and Sundanonchidae are sister groups within the suborder Tetraonchinea. We did not support the Pseudomurraytrematidae to the family status within the suborder Dactylogyrinea. Phylogenetic relationships within the family Dactylogyridae (following classification of Boeger & Kritsky, 1989) were not concordant with thephylogeny published on morphological characters. Dactylogyridae were formed by two monophyletic clades: first one presents by sister groups the subfamilies Ancyrocephalinae (including freshwater european ancyrocephalids) and the Ancylodiscoinae, second onewas formed by sister groups: Pseudodactylogyrinae and Dactylogyrinae, lastone forms monophyletic clade with Pseudohaliotrema andThylacicleidus, recently has been considered as Ancyrocephalinae, which suggests its paraphyletic features as well as for the subfamily Ancyrocephalinae. We recommend the phylogenetic revision of the genera included recently in the Ancyrocephalinae and their phylogenetic relationships with thesubfamilies Dactylogyrinae and Pseudodactylogyrinae.

In Czech

Fylogenetická analýza založená na 18S rDNA sekvenciach vybraných Monogeneí (Polyonchinea) bola zameraná na študium vzťahov medzi podradom Dactylogyrinae a príbuzdnými skupinami ako aj vzťahov v rámci podradu Dactylogyrinae, a pozíciu ancyrocephalidných Monogeneí v rámci Dactylogyridae parazitujúcich sladkovodné ryby s európskou distribúciou. Študovaný bol fylogenetický status podčeľade Ancyrocephalinae v rámci čeľade Dactylogyridae. Potvrdená bola monofýlia radu Dactylogyridea a príbuzenské vzťahy medzi podradmi Tetraonchinea a Dactylogyrinea. Výsledky potvrdili predchádzajúce morfologické závery, tj. Tetraonchidae a Sundanonchidae predstavujú sesterské skupiny v rámci podradu Tetraonchinea. Nebol podporený status čeľade Pseudomurraytrematidae v rámci podradu Dactylogyrinea. Fylogenetické vzťahy čeľade Dactylogyridae (podľa klasifikácie Boeger & Kritsky, 1989) sa nezhodujú s fylogenézou publikovanou na základe morfologických charakterov. Dactylogyridae formovali dva monofyletické skupiny: prvá predstavuje sesterské skupiny podčeľade Ancyrocephalinae (zahrňuje sladkovodné európské ancyrocephalidy) a Ancylodiscoinae, druhá je formovaná sesterskými skupinami: Pseudodactylogyrinae a Dactylogyrinae, z ktorých posledná tvorí monofyletickú skupinu s Pseudohaliotrema a Thylacicleidus, súčasne považovanými ako Ancyrocephalinae, čo podporuje paraphyletický charakter podčeľade Ancyrocephalinae. Doporučená bola fylogenetická revízia rodov súčasne zahrňovaných do Ancyrocephalinae a ich fylogenetických vzťahov s podčeľaďami Dactylogyrinae a Pseudodactylogyrinae.


MSM 143100010, plan (intention)
Name: Časoprostorová dynamika biodiverzity v ekosystémech střední Evropy.
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Spatiotemporal biodiversity dynamics in ecosystems of Central Europe