BEK, Mikuláš. On the Social Condition of Early Music. In Bach 2000:Music between Virgin Forest and Knowledge Society. Brno: Compostela Group of Universities, 2002, p. 224-235. ISBN 84-607-5515-0.
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Basic information
Original name On the Social Condition of Early Music
Authors BEK, Mikuláš.
Edition Brno, Bach 2000:Music between Virgin Forest and Knowledge Society, p. 224-235, 12 pp. 2002.
Publisher Compostela Group of Universities
Other information
Type of outcome Proceedings paper
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit Faculty of Arts
ISBN 84-607-5515-0
Keywords in English sociology of music
Tags sociology of music
Changed by Changed by: doc. PhDr. Mikuláš Bek, Ph.D., učo 31408. Changed: 30/7/2003 21:22.
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