PAVELKA, Stanislav. Bromine (Chapter 9.3 in the book: Elements and Their Compounds in the Environment). In Elements and Their Compounds in the Environment. Occurence, Analysis and Biological Relevance. 2nd ed. (Edited by E. Merian, M. Anke, M. Ihnat and M. Stoeppler), Vol. 3. [IF=n.a.; SCI #cit.<3>]. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2004, p. 1445-1455. Chemistry. ISBN 3-527-30459-2.
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Basic information
Original name Bromine (Chapter 9.3 in the book: Elements and Their Compounds in the Environment).
Name in Czech Brom (Kapitola 9.3 v knize: Prvky a jejich sloučeniny v životním prostředí).
Authors PAVELKA, Stanislav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor).
Edition Weinheim, Elements and Their Compounds in the Environment. Occurence, Analysis and Biological Relevance. 2nd ed. (Edited by E. Merian, M. Anke, M. Ihnat and M. Stoeppler), Vol. 3. [IF=n.a.; SCI #cit.<3>], p. 1445-1455, 11 pp. Chemistry, 2004.
Publisher Wiley-VCH
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Chapter(s) of a specialized book
Field of Study 30304 Public and environmental health
Country of publisher Germany
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14310/04:00019253
Organization unit Faculty of Science
ISBN 3-527-30459-2
Keywords in English bromine; analytical methods; biological relevance; chemical properties; occurence
Tags analytical methods, biological relevance, bromine, chemical properties, occurence
Tags International impact, Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: doc. RNDr. Stanislav Pavelka, CSc., učo 313. Changed: 15/6/2009 07:06.
In total, international experts from 20 countries have pooled their knowledge and experience to create this ultimate resource (1600 Pages, 3 Volumes). Essential information for chemists, biologists, geologists, food scientists, toxicologists and physiologists involved in environmental research and remediation, risk assessment, food research and industrial hygiene. In Chapter 9.3, the present knowledge about the bromine compounds is reviewed with respect to their occurence in the environment, living organisms, and man's food chain, and to their pharmacological and toxicological effects. Since inorganic bromide is the ionic form of bromine exerting the therapeutic as well as the toxic effects, mainly studies dealing with the exposure to bromide, or to those organic compounds readily yielding ionic bromide after degradation in soil, plants, or animals, form the basis of this review.
Abstract (in Czech)
Více než 80 mezinárodně uznávaných expertů z celkem 20 zemí spojilo své znalosti a zkušenosti k vytvoření tohoto základního zdroje (1600 stran, 3 díly). V kapitole 9.3 ("Brom") je podán přehled současných znalostí o sloučeninách bromu ve vztahu k jejich výskytu v přírodě, v živých organismech a potravním řetězci, a k jejich farmakologickým a toxikologickým účinkům. Základem tohoto přehledu jsou především studie pojednávající o vystavení organismu bromidu, nebo těm organickým sloučeninám bromu jež snadno skýtají bromid po jejich rozložení v půdě, rostlinách nebo živočiších, neboť anorganický bromid je tou inotovou formou bromu která vykazuje terapeutické jakož i toxické účinky tohoto prvku.
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