NOVOTNÝ, Karel, Tomáš VACULOVIČ, Vítězslav OTRUBA and Viktor KANICKÝ. Spektrometrie laserem buzeného plazmatu - LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometry). In Hutnícka Analytika 2003. Český Těšín: 2Theta, 2003, p. 54-62. ISBN 80-86380-15-7.
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Basic information
Original name Spektrometrie laserem buzeného plazmatu - LIBS
Name (in English) Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometry
Authors NOVOTNÝ, Karel (203 Czech Republic), Tomáš VACULOVIČ (203 Czech Republic), Vítězslav OTRUBA (203 Czech Republic) and Viktor KANICKÝ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor).
Edition Český Těšín, Hutnícka Analytika 2003, p. 54-62, 9 pp. 2003.
Publisher 2Theta
Other information
Original language Czech
Type of outcome Proceedings paper
Field of Study 10406 Analytical chemistry
Country of publisher Denmark
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14310/03:00008246
Organization unit Faculty of Science
ISBN 80-86380-15-7
Keywords in English LIBS; Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometry; steel
Tags Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometry, LIBS, steel
Changed by Changed by: doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D., učo 17748. Changed: 16/12/2003 18:14.
Spektrometrie laserem indukovaného plasmatu byla použita pro analýzu ocelí. Byly studovány kalibrační závislosti Cr, Ni, Si, Mn a Mo při měření bez inertní atmosféry na vzduchu.
Abstract (in English)
In this work, LIBS was used for analysis of steel samples. Calibration curves for the elements Cr, Ni, Si, Mn and Mo in steel samples were obtained in air environment.
GP203/02/P097, research and development projectName: Studium interakce laserového záření s pevnými materiály pomocí metod plazmové spektrometrie
Investor: Czech Science Foundation, The study of interaction of laser radiation with solid materials by plasma spectrometry methods
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