V originále
Changes taking place in the business environment are making firms become more flexible. In previous decades, organizations were best characterized by: hierarchies, focus on internal factors, remuneration based upon personal accomplishments, careers for life and individual competition. On the contrary, modern organizations can be characterized by words like networks, lifelong learning, teamwork, group cooperation. All these factors are interconnected by one major process, the process of liberalization. The aim of these changes is reaching the highest level of flexibility. Only high degree of flexibility together with sufficient level of competencies, which enable firms to deal with new and often unforeseeable problems quickly and well enough, can provide competitive advantage and thus successfulness to the firms in the long term. This paper will attempt to support the argument that the trend towards liberalization mentioned above can be traced in the behavior of Czech enterprises during the transition period. And we will also try to show that this trend is one of the factors of company successfulness.
In Czech
Trend k liberalizaci celého procesu řízení se stal ústředním bodem našeho zájmu. V textu se pokuoušíme odpovědět na otázku, zda platí souvislost mezi trendem k liberalizaci stylu řízení a úspěšností podniku. Jsou podniky s liberálnějším stylem řízení skutečně úspěšnější? Je-li tento ústřední předpoklad správný, bude nás dále zajímat, jaké jsou zdroje jejich úspěchu a na jaké limity narážejí.