D 2003

Minimal sets for quasilinear difference equations

DOŠLÁ, Zuzana

Basic information

Original name

Minimal sets for quasilinear difference equations

Name in Czech

Minimální množiny pro kvazilineární diferenční rovnice


DOŠLÁ, Zuzana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)


Brno, Proceedings of CDDE 2002, p. 61-70, 10 pp. 2003


Masaryk University

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10101 Pure mathematics

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

quasilinear difference equation; minimal set
Changed: 11/1/2005 20:19, prof. RNDr. Zuzana Došlá, DSc.


V originále

The aim of the paper is to extend some asymptotic properties of recessive solutions, recently obtained by the auuthors in the half-linear case, to a more general case of nonlinear difference equations. In particular, a brief survey on the classification of solutions and their asymptotic behavior is presented for the half-linear difference equation. The emplyoyed tools and the role of nonlinearity are discussed as well.

In Czech

Cílem práce je rozšíření asymptotických vlastností recesivních řešení pololineárních rovnic pro obecný případ nelineárních diferenčních rovnic. Všechna řešení pololineárních rovnic jsou klasifikována podle asymptotického chování.


GA201/01/0079, research and development project
Name: Kvalitativní teorie řešení diferenčních rovnic
Investor: Czech Science Foundation, Qualitative theory of solutions of difference equations
MSM 143100001, plan (intention)
Name: Funkcionální diferenciální rovnice a matematicko-statistické modely
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Functional-differential equations and mathematical-statistical models