PROŠEK, Pavel, Kamil LÁSKA, Marie BUDÍKOVÁ and Gennadi MILINEVSKY. The Regime of Total and Biological Effective Ultraviolet Radiation at Vernadsky Station (Argentine Islands, Antarctica) and the Impact of Ozone and Cloudiness in 2002 and 2003. Olomouc: Czech Geographical Society, Palacky University olomouc, 2004, 13 pp. Czech Geography at the Dawn of Milenium. ISBN 80-244-0858-9.
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Basic information
Original name The Regime of Total and Biological Effective Ultraviolet Radiation at Vernadsky Station (Argentine Islands, Antarctica) and the Impact of Ozone and Cloudiness in 2002 and 2003.
Name in Czech Režim celkového a erythemálně účinného UV záření na stanici Vernadsky (Argentinské souostroví, Antarktida) a vliv ozónu a oblačnosti v letech 2002-2003
Authors PROŠEK, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Kamil LÁSKA (203 Czech Republic), Marie BUDÍKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic) and Gennadi MILINEVSKY (804 Ukraine).
Edition Olomouc, 13 pp. Czech Geography at the Dawn of Milenium, 2004.
Publisher Czech Geographical Society, Palacky University olomouc
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Book on a specialized topic
Field of Study 10500 1.5. Earth and related environmental sciences
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14310/04:00021278
Organization unit Faculty of Science
ISBN 80-244-0858-9
Keywords in English Antarctica; Vernadsky Station; total UV radiation; UVB radiation; seasonal variation; ozone; cloudiness;
Tags Antarctica, cloudiness, ozone, seasonal variation, total UV radiation, UVB radiation, Vernadsky Station
Tags International impact, Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: doc. Mgr. Kamil Láska, Ph.D., učo 17016. Changed: 30/6/2008 15:14.
Measurement of global solar radiation and UVB radiation intensity are the issues studied within the Czech-Ukrainian scientific co-operation that has been carried out at Vernadsky Station in Antarctica since 2002. The paper brings results from modelling of the intensity of the erythemally effective UVB at a level of daily sums in relation to the total ozone content, extraterrestrial and surface intensity of the global solar radiation, and to the extraterrestrial intensity of the UVB radiation.
Abstract (in Czech)
Measurement of global solar radiation and UVB radiation intensity are the issues studied within the Czech-Ukrainian scientific co-operation that has been carried out at Vernadsky Station in Antarctica since 2002. The paper brings results from modelling of the intensity of the erythemally effective UVB at a level of daily sums in relation to the total ozone content, extraterrestrial and surface intensity of the global solar radiation, and to the extraterrestrial intensity of the UVB radiation.
MSM 143100007, plan (intention)Name: Ekologie pobřežní antarktické vegetační oázy
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Ecology of the coastal vegetation
PrintDisplayed: 8/9/2024 17:59