V originále
New faunistic records of Muscidae are given for several European and Asian countries. Two species are recorded for the first time from Andorra, 1 sp. from Bosna and Hercegovina, 1 sp. from Bulgaria, 8 spp. from the Czech Republic, 1 sp. from France, 1 sp. from Germany, 3 spp. from Italy, 1 sp. from Romania, 1 sp. from Slovakia, 3 spp. from Switzerland and 4 spp. from the Ukraine. Within the Czech Republic, 5 species have been found in Bohemia and 2 in Moravia for the first time. Asian records are represented by new findings from Iraq (6 spp.) and Uzbekistan (3 spp.). The East Palaearctic Muscina angustifrons (Loew) was repeatedly captured in the Šumava Mts (Czech Republic) and seems to be established in Central Europe. Limnophora setinerva Schnabl and Phaonia subfuscinervis (Zetterstedt) are recorded from Central Europe for the first time.
In Czech
Nové údaje o rozšíření druhů z čeledi Muscidae jsou uvedeny ze severní Evropy a několika zemí Asie. Nové druhy jsou uvedeny z Andorry, Bosny a Hercegoviny, Bulharska, České republiky, Francie, Německa, Itálie, Rumunska, Slovenska, Švýcarska a Ukrainy. Východopalearktický druh Muscina angustifrons (Loew)byl opakovaně uloven na Šumavě (ČR), Limnophora setinerva Schnabl a Phaonia subfuscinervis (Zetterstedt) jsou uvedeny poprvé ze střední Evropy.