D 2004

Electrochemical determination of cysteine-containing biomolecules by means of catalytic reactions on a mercury electrode

VACEK, Jan, Libuše TRNKOVÁ, František JELEN and René KIZEK

Basic information

Original name

Electrochemical determination of cysteine-containing biomolecules by means of catalytic reactions on a mercury electrode

Name in Czech

Elektrochemické stanovení biomolekul obsahujících cystein pomocí katalytických reakcí na rtuové elektrod


VACEK, Jan (203 Czech Republic), Libuše TRNKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), František JELEN (203 Czech Republic) and René KIZEK (203 Czech Republic)


1. vyd. Thessaloniki, Greece, Book of Abstracts - 55th Annual Meeting of the ISE, p. 431 - 431, 1 pp. 2004


International Society of Electrochemistry

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10405 Electrochemistry

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

metallothioneines; phytochelatins; glutathione; mercury electrode;catalytic reactions; Brdicka reaction;peak H
Changed: 15/2/2005 21:22, prof. RNDr. Libuše Trnková, CSc.


V originále

The group cysteine-containing peptides (metallothioneines, phytochelatins, and glutathione) plays an important role in active homeostasis and detoxification of metals in animal, plant, and/or microorganism cells. In this study we describe a novel approach to electroanalysis of cys-containing peptides and proteins. This approach is based on catalytic processes (presodium wave, peak H, Brdicka current) proceeding at negative potentials (ca. 1.8 V, Ag/AgCl/3M KCl) on the hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). A presodium wave is current-potential response accompanied with catalytic hydrogen evolution from aqueous solutions in the presence of proteins. It was found that the sulfhydryl(SH) groups in proteins are responsible for presodium catalytic processes. The highest sensitivity in the determination was observed with derivative chronopotentiometric stripping analysis (CPSA), which monitored the catalytic signal known as peak H. The determination of the low content of Cys-peptides was successfully performed in a cobalt(III)-containing solution with ammonia buffer by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The CPSA (peak H) and DPV (Brdicka reaction) can be used in connection with the adsorptive transfer stripping (AdTS) technique, which is capable of determining nano/femtomole levels of metallothioneine, phytochelatin and glutathione in mL of the sample.

In Czech

Elektrochemické stanovení biomolekul obsahujících cystein pomocí katalytických reakcí na rtuové elektrod.


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