a 2005

Age related changes of baroreflex sensitivity in children and adolescents

ZÁVODNÁ, Eva, Hana HRSTKOVÁ, Zuzana NOVÁKOVÁ, Bohumil FIŠER, Nataša HONZÍKOVÁ et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Age related changes of baroreflex sensitivity in children and adolescents

Name in Czech

Na věku závislé změny baroreflexní citlivosti u dětí a dospívajících

Name (in English)

Age related changes of baroreflex sensitivity in children and adolescents


ZÁVODNÁ, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Hana HRSTKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Zuzana NOVÁKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Bohumil FIŠER (203 Czech Republic) and Nataša HONZÍKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic)


14th Meeting of Paediatric Research of Cenral European Countries, 2005

Other information



Type of outcome

Conference abstract

Field of Study

30105 Physiology

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords in English

baroreflex sensitivity; developemnt; children; adolescents
Changed: 1/4/2010 17:24, MUDr. Bc. Eva Závodná, Ph.D.


V originále

The aim of the study was to investigate the development of noninvasively determined baroreflex sensitivity in age between 11 to 18 years. Continuous 5 min blood pressure readings were recorded in 332 healthy subjects. Beat-to-beat values of inter beat intervals (IBI), systolic blood pressures (SBP) were measured. Baroreflex sensitivity in ms/mmHg (BRS) and in mHz/mmHg (BRSf) was determined by spectral analysis. BRS did not correlate with age, BRSf significantly decrease with age (p<0.001). BRS correlated with mean IBI (p<0.001), but BRSf was IBI-independent. Multiregression analysis showed significant decrease of BRS with age after standardization to IBI. The limits of BRS were estimated for the whole group: 5th percentile - 3.9 ms/mmHg; 50th - 9.1; 95th - 18.9. BRS was unchanged in particular age groups, but it was dependent on IBI. Standardization of BRS on IBI disclosed its decrease with age. BRSf is IBI-independent and better reflects the development of baroreflex sensitivity with age.

In English

The aim of the study was to investigate the development of noninvasively determined baroreflex sensitivity in age between 11 to 18 years. Continuous 5 min blood pressure readings were recorded in 332 healthy subjects. Beat-to-beat values of inter beat intervals (IBI), systolic blood pressures (SBP) were measured. Baroreflex sensitivity in ms/mmHg (BRS) and in mHz/mmHg (BRSf) was determined by spectral analysis. BRS did not correlate with age, BRSf significantly decrease with age (p<0.001). BRS correlated with mean IBI (p<0.001), but BRSf was IBI-independent. Multiregression analysis showed significant decrease of BRS with age after standardization to IBI. The limits of BRS were estimated for the whole group: 5th percentile - 3.9 ms/mmHg; 50th - 9.1; 95th - 18.9. BRS was unchanged in particular age groups, but it was dependent on IBI. Standardization of BRS on IBI disclosed its decrease with age. BRSf is IBI-independent and better reflects the development of baroreflex sensitivity with age.


MSM0021622402, plan (intention)
Name: Časná diagnostika a léčba kardiovaskulárních chorob
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Early diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases
NR8006, research and development project
Name: Autonomní oběhové funkce, funkce myokardu a kardiorespirační funkce u dětí a adolescentů po léčbě zhoubného nádoru
Investor: Ministry of Health of the CR