V originále
In the year 2002, two samples by means of car-nets were performed in Podyjí National park, on the forest road in the Braitava forest (Czech Republic). Each sample (May, 31-June, 1 and July, 30-31) consisted of 10 rounds from morning till dusk, each round was 10 km long. More than 3000 specimens (52 species) of Ceratopogonidae were captured and suggests that our car-net method may be highly efficient method for biomonitoring of ceratopogonids, determining their daily flight activity, swarming sites, etc.
V roku 2002 boli v Národnom parku Podyjí uskutočnené zbery dvojkrídleho hmyzu využitím autosietí. Oba odbery (31.5.-1.6. a 30.-31.7.) pozostávali z 10 okruhov od rána do súmraku, každý okruh bol dlhý 10 km. Bolo chytených vyše 3000 jedincov čeľade Ceratopogonidae patriacich k 52 druhom, z čoho vyplýva, že použitá metoda je vysoko uspešná k zachyteniu stavu populácie pakomárikov, ich letovej aktivity, liahnišť, atd.