V originále
The transition from childhood to adolescence is accompanied by higher self-focus and with growing importance of global self-evaluation (self-esteem).By using data from our longitudinal study ELSPAC, we try to document the specific influence of emotional involvement of both parents and parental control during childhood on the self-esteem of younger adolescents. Parenting style (based on reports of parents) was measured when children were at the ages 8, 11, and 13. When participants aged 13, they completed also a self-esteem inventory and they also assessed the parenting style of their both parents. Results indicate significantly different patterns in girls and in boys. Perceived warmth of mother is a good predictor of adolescents self-confidence for both girls and boys. The mothers warmth is related to high positive self-feeling. The perceived fathers warmth is a significant predictor for boys only. Mothers emotional support is positively related to perceived acceptance of boys, fathers warmth is related to acceptance of girls.
In Czech
Studie hledá souvislosti mezi výpověďmi rodičů o svém rodičovském chování a sebehodnoecením adolescentů, resp. mezi tím, jak děti vnímají a hodnotí svoje rodiče a jak hodnotí sami sebe. Výzkum se konal v rámci longitudinálního projektu ELSPAC, výchovný styl byl zjišťován v 8, 11 a 13 letech, self-esteem bylo meřeno ve 13 letech. Ukázalo se, že není souvislost mezi tím, jak se ve své rodiovské roli hodnotí matky a otcové sebe sama a mezi tím, jak se hodnotí adolescenci (v sebedůvěře a sociální akceptaci). Self-esteem ale souvisí s tím, jak vidí v rodičovských rolích své rodiče sami adolescenti. V této souvislosti se ukázal specifický význam otce a matky.