a 2005

Study of Derivatization of Peptides and Proteins for Fluorescence Detection Using Capillary Electrophoresis and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry


Basic information

Original name

Study of Derivatization of Peptides and Proteins for Fluorescence Detection Using Capillary Electrophoresis and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Name in Czech

Studium derivatizace peptidů a proteinů pro fluorescenční detekci pomocí kapilární elektroforézy a hmotnostní spektrometrie s laserovou desorpcí a ionizací


VRÁBEL, Patrik (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Jan PREISLER (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Markéta RYVOLOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Helena ŘEHULKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Petr TÁBORSKÝ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


Proceedings of the 53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied topics, 2005

Other information



Type of outcome

Conference abstract

Field of Study

10406 Analytical chemistry

Country of publisher

United States of America

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret


RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

Derivatization; Electrophoresis Capillary; MALDI; Mass Spectrometry; Capillary Electrophoresis; Proteomic;
Changed: 9/4/2013 14:23, prof. Mgr. Jan Preisler, Ph.D.


V originále

We presented an effective combination of two analytical techniques (CE-MALDI MS) for sensitive identification of fluorescently labeled polypeptides and optimization of derivatization procedure. In analysis of compounds, which included derivatization step, the detection was found to be limited by chemistry and separation rather than by the instrument performance. This was confirmed on CE-LIF of peptides and proteins derivatized with rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RBITC). Identification of all derivatized species was not possible with fluorescence detection; therefore CE experiments with mass spectrometric detection of derivatization products were applied. Optimized CE separation of peptides and small proteins was coupled to MALDI MS; common MALDI matrices were used. This experimental work confirmed suitability of MALDI MS for detection and identification of peptides and proteins derivatized with rhodamine-based dyes. The information from the experiment will be used for optimizing of the derivatization step.

In Czech

Charakterizace kombinace CE - MALDI MS a derivatizace peptidů a menších proteinů fluorescenčním reagentem.


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Name: Integrovaná analýza genomu a proteomu terapeuticky významných bakteriofágů kombinací elektroforézy a hmotnostní spektrometrie
Investor: Czech Science Foundation, Integrated genome and proteome analysis of therapeutically important bacteriophages by combination of electrophoresis and mass spectrometry
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