D 2005

Distributed Analysis of Large Systems

BARNAT, Jiří, Luboš BRIM and Ivana ČERNÁ

Basic information

Original name

Distributed Analysis of Large Systems

Name in Czech

Distribuovaná analýza rozsáhlých systémů


BARNAT, Jiří (203 Czech Republic), Luboš BRIM (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) and Ivana ČERNÁ (203 Czech Republic)


Amsterdam, Formal Methods for Components and Objects, p. 31-35, 4 pp. 2005


CWI Amsterdam

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10201 Computer sciences, information science, bioinformatics

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Informatics



Keywords in English

distributed LTL model checking


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 1/6/2009 21:16, prof. RNDr. Jiří Barnat, Ph.D.


V originále

Tutorial lecture giving an overview of explicit distributed algorithms for LTL model checking. The lecture reviews property driven distribution of state spaces, algorithms exploiting breadth firs search, set based algorithms based on the principle One way catch them young and its reverse, accepting predecessoros based approach, dependency structure based depth first search and reduction to the negative cycle problem.

In Czech

Tutorial poskytující přehled technik a přístupů používaných v explicitním ověřování lineárních temporálních vlstností.


GA201/03/1161, research and development project
Name: Verifikace nekonečně stavových systémů
Investor: Czech Science Foundation, Verification of infinite-state systems
MSM0021622419, plan (intention)
Name: Vysoce paralelní a distribuované výpočetní systémy
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Highly Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
1ET408050503, research and development project
Name: Techniky automatické verifikace a validace softwarových a hardwarových systémů
Investor: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Techniques for automatic verification and validation of software nad hardware systems