D 2005

Thermodynamic Optimization of the Ni-Al-W System

BROŽ, Pavel, Jiří BURŠÍK and Jiří POPOVIČ

Basic information

Original name

Thermodynamic Optimization of the Ni-Al-W System

Name in Czech

Termodynamická optimalizace soustavy Ni-Al-W


BROŽ, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Jiří BURŠÍK (203 Czech Republic) and Jiří POPOVIČ (203 Czech Republic)


2005. vyd. Prague, 10 th International Symposium on Physics of Materials - ISPMA 10, p. -, 1 pp. 2005


Charles University

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10403 Physical chemistry

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

thermodynamics; phase equilibria; nickel; aluminium; tungsten
Changed: 27/1/2006 17:06, doc. RNDr. Pavel Brož, Ph.D.


V originále

This work is focussed on microstructure studies of the Ni-Al-W system for selected compositions within the phase regions of interest (gamma,gamma', alpha, beta and/or other intermetallic phases) at 900, 1000 and 1100 C. Experimental results were compared with existing literature information and all data utilized for thermodynamic assessment of this ternary system by using optimization module PARROT in the well-known software package ThermoCalc. The commercial database for Ni-base superalloys was used as a source database for the process of optimization and the data were fitted with respect to newly obtained experiments as well as to the thermodynamic parameters found previously.

In Czech

Práce je zaměřena na mikrostrukturní studia soustavy Ni-Al-W v oblastech koexistence fází gama,gama', alfa, beta případně dalších intermetalických fází při 1000 a 1100 C. Experimentální výsledky byly srovnány s existujícími literárními informacemi a data použita pro termodynamické posouzení této třísložkové soustavy za pomocí modulu PARROT v programu ThermoCalc. Pro optimalizaci dat byla jako zdrojová databáze použita komerční databáze pro niklové superslitiny.


MSM0021622410, plan (intention)
Name: Fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti pokročilých materiálů a struktur
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Physical and chemical properties of advanced materials and structures