D 2005

Growth of Carbon Nanotubes in Microwave Plasma Torch at Atmospheric Pressure

JAŠEK, Ondřej, Marek ELIÁŠ, Martin BUBLAN, Vít KUDRLE, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Growth of Carbon Nanotubes in Microwave Plasma Torch at Atmospheric Pressure

Name in Czech

Růst uhlíkových nanotrubek v mikrovlnném výboji za atmosférického tlaku


JAŠEK, Ondřej (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Marek ELIÁŠ (203 Czech Republic), Martin BUBLAN (203 Czech Republic), Vít KUDRLE (203 Czech Republic), Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Jiřina MATĚJKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Antonín REK (203 Czech Republic), Jiří BURŠÍK (203 Czech Republic) and Magdaléna KADLEČÍKOVÁ (703 Slovakia)


1. vyd. Toronto, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemisty, p. 287-288, 2 pp. 2005


University of Toronto

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10305 Fluids and plasma physics

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

carbon nanotrubes; atmospheric pressure; microwave discharge; scanning electron microscopy; substrate; catalyst


International impact
Changed: 24/6/2007 23:35, doc. Mgr. Lenka Zajíčková, Ph.D.


V originále

In present paper we describe a successful synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure from the mixture of methane, hydrogen and argon. The CNTs were grown on Si/SiO2/catalyst(Fe,Ni) substrates placed at various distances from the torch electrode either in direct contact with the torch or in remote plasma conditions.We have studied an effect of substrate position with respect to the torch electrode, methane-to-hydrogen flow rate ratio and substrate preparation. Optical emission spectra were taken along the discharge axis.The samples were imaged by scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Further information about the chemical structure was obtained from Raman spectroscopy.

In Czech

Uhlíkové nanotrubky byly připraveny v mikrovlnném výboji za atmosférického tlaku buzeného ve směsi metanu,vodíku a argonu.CNTs rostly na substrátu typu Si/SiO2/katalyzátor(Fe,Ni) umístěném v různých vzdálenostech od elektrody a to v režimu přímého kontaktu s plazmatem nebo mimo plazma. Při studiu jsme se zaměřili na studium vlivu vzdálenosti substrátu od elektrody, poměrů průtoků vodíku a metanu a přípravy substrátu. Plazma výboje bylo studováno pomocí optické emisní spektroskopie a vrstvy byly analyzovány pomocí skenovací a transmisní lektronové mikroskopie a Ramanovské spektroskopie.


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