D 2005

Optimization of Phase Equilibria in the Ni-Al-W System with Respect to New Phase Information

POPOVIČ, Jiří, Pavel BROŽ and Jiří BURŠÍK

Basic information

Original name

Optimization of Phase Equilibria in the Ni-Al-W System with Respect to New Phase Information

Name in Czech

Optimalizace fázových rovnováh v soustav Ni-Al-W s ohledem na nová fázová data


POPOVIČ, Jiří (203 Czech Republic), Pavel BROŽ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) and Jiří BURŠÍK (203 Czech Republic)


Praha, Week of Doctoral Students 2005 - WDS' 05, p. 485-488, 4 pp. 2005


Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10403 Physical chemistry

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

thermodynamics; phase diagram; nickel; aluminium; tungsten
Changed: 31/1/2006 17:09, doc. RNDr. Pavel Brož, Ph.D.


V originále

Several alloys of the Ni-Al-W system in the region of appearance gamma and gamma' phases were studied after long term annealing at 1173 K by means of analytical electron microscopy. The phase boundaries and chemical composition of individual phases were computed by means of software Thermocalc and compared with experimental data. The thermodynamic optimisation was made for better agreement with experimental data.

In Czech

Optimalizace fázových rovnováh v soustav Ni-Al-W s ohledem na nová fázová data


AV0Z20410507, plan (intention)
Name: Fyzikální vlastnosti pokročilých materiálů ve vztahu k jejich mikrostruktuře a způsobu přípravy
MSM0021622410, plan (intention)
Name: Fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti pokročilých materiálů a struktur
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Physical and chemical properties of advanced materials and structures