D 2005

The relationship between the developmental instability of a fish host and the ectoparasite Paradiplozoon homoion

PEČÍNKOVÁ, Martina, Leif Asbjorn VOLLESTAD, Božena KOUBKOVÁ, Iveta MATĚJUSOVÁ, Milan GELNAR et. al.

Basic information

Original name

The relationship between the developmental instability of a fish host and the ectoparasite Paradiplozoon homoion

Name in Czech

Vztah mezi vývojovou nestabilitou rybích hostitelů a ektoparazitem Paradiplozoon homoion


PEČÍNKOVÁ, Martina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Leif Asbjorn VOLLESTAD (578 Norway), Božena KOUBKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Iveta MATĚJUSOVÁ (203 Czech Republic) and Milan GELNAR (203 Czech Republic)


Guangzhou, Book of Abstracts, 5th International Symposium on Monogenea, p. 73-73, 2005


School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

developmental instability;parasite;gudgeon
Changed: 18/12/2006 11:08, Mgr. Martina Pečínková, Ph.D.


V originále

We have analysed the relationship between developmental instability of a fish host gudgeon Gobio gobio L. (measured by levels of fluctuating asymmetry FA) and the abundance and developmental instability (measured as the presence of abnormally developed attachment system) of the ectoparasite Paradiplozoon homoion. FA refers to random deviation from perfect bilateral symmetry, with no genetic predisposition toward one side or the other being large and it is a putative general biomarker of environmental stress and can be used to indicate the possible presence of a stress or different stresses acting in combination. There is also evidence that increased FA is associated with susceptibility to parasitism. Gudgeon individuals were collected monthly from the Vlara stream (Czech Republic) during 2004 and examined for the presence of the ectoparasite P. homoion. To assess an estimate of developmental instability of the fish host we measured nine meristic and eight morphometric bilateral characters on the right and the left side of the fish. There was no correlation between fish FA and the number of P. homoion or the proportion of P. homoion with abnormalities. There was, however, a significant relationship between number of abnormal P. homoion and the number of asymmetric meristic traits per individual fish. This study thus indicates that the presence of morphological abnormalities in P. homoion is only weakly dependent on the fish quality measured by FA.

In Czech

Byl potvrzen signifikantní vztah mezi počtem abnormálních Paradiplozoon homoion a počtem asymetrických meristických znaků hostitelských ryb.


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