V originále
Altogether 84 species of Ceratopogonidae (44.4 % of the total Czech fauna) have been found in Podyjí NP, of which 17 were first recorded on the territory of the Czech republic on the basis of material found in Podyjí NP (TÓTHOVÁ et al. 2004b, TÓTHOVÁ et al. 2005a, TÓTHOVÁ et al. 2005b). The richness of species found probably reflects the specific natural conditions of the studied localities. Most of the species have a broad Palaearctic (or even broader) distribution. Very interesting is the abundant occurrence of F. brevicubita, with many specimens in samples. The subgenus Panhelea is new for the Czech Republic. One species found (C. jurensis) was included as vulnerable species in recent regional Red list (ORSZÁGH & KNOZ 2005). There were many species which could not be identified on the base of recent knowledge (species of the groups: Forcipomyia fuliginosa (Meigen, 1818), F. nigra, Forcipomyia costata (Zetterstedt, 1838) and probably Forcipomyia lugubris (Zetterstedt, 1855)).
In Czech
V národním parku Podyjí bylo zachyceno 84 druhů čeledi Ceratopogonidae, z čeho 17 bylo prvýkrát zaznamenáno na území ČR.Zajímavý je výskyt druhu F. brevicubita, patřící do podrodu Panhelea, který je rovněž zachycen prvýkrát na našem území.