V originále
Biting midges of the genus Culicoides are usually collected using special kind of light traps. This haematophagous genus has medical and veterinary importance and finding new ways to capture them is important for better knowledge of their bionomy and more efficient control. The whole examined material have been collected using non-light traps: Malaise, emergence, pan traps and car net. There are 17 species of the genus Culicoides recorded from South Moravia, two of them - Culicoides (Oecacta) furcillatus CALLOT, KREMER & PARADIS, 1962 and C. (O.) pseudoheliophilus CALLOT & KREMER, 1961, are recorded in the Czech Republic for the first time
In Czech
Rod Culicoides je bezne sbiran různými typmi svetelných pasti. Tento hematofagni rod ma medicinsky i veterinarni vyznam, proto nove způsoby zberu umozni nove poznatky o jejich bionomii a ich kontrolu. Z jizni Moravy bylo zjisteno 17 druhu tohto rodu, z ceho 2 druhy jsou faunistickou novinko pro uzemi CR.