V originále
We followed effect of anthracycline therapy on physical activity, body and cardiovascular parameters in children treated for malignant tumor. We examined 21 subjects after antitumor therapy (M; 15.5b3.2 years) and 32 healthy subjects (Co; 15.7b2.1 years). In group M, 8 subjects had a non-cardiotoxic therapy (A0), and 13 children were treated with anthracyclines (A+). In group A+ vs. A0 and Co, we found significantly lower SBP. A+ compared with Co had higher BRSf; lower weight and height; lower total physical activity and physical activity related to 1 kg of body weight. In whole group M, we found negative correlation between dose of anthracyclines and SBP and total physical activity. The multiple regression in group M shown that SBP was significantly related to the duration of period without antitumor therapy and to the dosage of anthracyclines. BRSf significantly correlated with body weight, physical activity related to 1 kg of body weight, time since therapy and SBP.
In Czech
Sledovali jsme vliv antracyklinové léčby na fyzickou aktivitu, tělesné a kardiovaskulární parametry u dětí léčených pro maligní nádor. Vyšetili jsme 21 dětí po protinádorové léčbě (M) a 32 zdravých osob (Co). Ve skupin M bylo 8 dětí léčeno nekardiotoxickou léčbou (A0) a 13 dětí bylo léčeno antracykliny (A+). V porovnání ke skupinám A0 a Co, skupina A+měla nižší systolický tlak (STK), vyšší baroreflexní senzitivitu, nižší výšku a hmotnost a fyzickou aktivitu. V celé skupin M s rostoucí dávkou antracykllinů klesal STK a fyzická aktivita.