D 2006

Bio-medical applications and diagnostics of microwave plasma

STRAŇÁK, Vítězslav, Milan TICHÝ, V. KŘÍHA, V. SCHOLTZ, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Bio-medical applications and diagnostics of microwave plasma

Name in Czech

Biomedicinské aplikace a diagnostika mikrovlnného plazmatu


STRAŇÁK, Vítězslav (203 Czech Republic), Milan TICHÝ (203 Czech Republic), V. KŘÍHA (203 Czech Republic), V. SCHOLTZ (276 Germany), Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Pavel SLAVÍČEK (203 Czech Republic) and Petr ŠPATENKA (203 Czech Republic)


1. vyd. Lecce (Italy), ESCAMPIG 2006 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, p. 441-442, 2006


European Physical Society

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10305 Fluids and plasma physics

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

microwave plasma; plasma diagnostics; biomedicine applications
Changed: 19/9/2006 13:59, doc. Mgr. Zdeněk Navrátil, Ph.D.


V originále

The paper is focused on comprehensive diagnostics and biomedicine applications of surfatron microwave (2.45 GHz) discharge. Discharges with reactive gas components (N2 or O2) are in our highest interest because of their next technological applications. In the first part basic plasma parameters are investigated by means of single and double Langmuir probe techniques at wide range of pressures in both, cw and pulsed, discharge regimes. Rotational temperature, discharge composition and intensity development of particular emission lines were revealed by means of optical emission spectroscopy. The second part of the contribution is focused on experimental applications of surfatron plasma - plasma-based sterilisation and surface activation of polyethylene surface. Sterilisation experiments of tested micro-organisms Escherichia coli and Staphyloccus epidermis were done. Germicidal effect of particular discharges was considered after discharge application on defined bacterial cultures.

In Czech

Článek zevrubně zabývá diagnostiko a aplikacemi surfatronového mikrovlnného (2,45 GHz) výboje. Výbojům v plynech s reaktivními komponentami (N2 nebo O2) je věnován zvláštní zájem, neboť jsou perspektivní v technologických aplikacích. V první části jsou vyšetřovány základní parametry plazmatu metodami jednoduché a dvojité sondy a metodami optické spetroskopie. Druhá část se zabývá aplikacemi výboje - plasmovou sterilizací a povrchovou aktivací. Sterilizační efekt byl zkoumán na mikroorganismech Escherichia coli a Staphyloccus epidermis.


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