D 2006

Antioxidative mechanisms in a lichen Lasallia pustulata exposed to light and dehydration stress. s

BARTÁK, Miloš, Hana VRÁBLÍKOVÁ, Jana ŠTEPIGOVÁ, Josef HÁJEK, Kristýna VEČEŘOVÁ et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Antioxidative mechanisms in a lichen Lasallia pustulata exposed to light and dehydration stress. s



Lyon (2006), FESPB 2006 Congress: Book of Abstracts, p. 126-126, 1 pp. 2006


University Lyon

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

glutathione, zeaxanhtin, DEPS, photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence
Changed: 23/7/2006 14:32, prof. Ing. Miloš Barták, CSc.


V originále

In photosynthetizing partners of lichens, majority of stresses produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). Negative effects of ROS are alleviated by antioxidants, e.g. zeaxanthin, glutathione, catalase, superoxidedismutase. In previous studies, we demonstrated that the capacity of zeaxanthin (Z) formation is sufficient to cope with a high light (HL) stress in fully hydrated lichen thalli. The aim of presented study is to evaluate the dynamics of antioxidants in algal partner of L. pustulata exposed to several HL and dehydration regimes. Treated by a short-term HL (typically 1800 micromol m-2 s-1), hydrated lichens showed photoinhibition of photosynthesis (decrease in Fv/Fm, Yield PSII, increase in NPQ) and activation of antioxidative mechanisms. Z increased and DEPS reached 0.5, total glutathione decreased to a half of control and was largely oxidized. The changes were reversible, the above parameters reached pre-treated values within 10-24 h relaxation in dark. Dehydration at dark and LL (300 micromol m-2 s-1) led to the same DEPS in dry state reached after 5 h. However, DEPS increased more rapidly in LL than in dark during the early dehydration (water potential 0 to -10 MPa).

In Czech

Většina stresových stavů v rostlinné buňce vytváří reaktivní formy kyslíku(ROS), jejichž negativní účinky jsou zmírňovány pomocí antioxidantů: zeaxanthin, glutathione, catalase, superoxidedismutase. V předkládaném příspěvku uvádíme čadovou dynamiku antioxidantů v lišejníkových symbiotických řasách ve stélkách lišejníku Lasallia pustulata vystavených různým ovlivněním vysokými hodnotami záření a stresu vysycháním. Krátkodobá fotoinhibice byla navozena 1800 micromol m-2 s-1 u plně hydrovaných stélek. během fotoinhibice a následného zotavení byly sledovány fotosyntetické parametry Fv/Fm, Yield PS II, NPQ a dynamika antioxidantů: DEPS, množství a redoxní stav glutationu.


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