VYSTOUPIL, Jiří, Andrea HOLEŠINSKÁ, Josef KUNC, Jaroslav MARYÁŠ, Daniel SEIDENGLANZ, Martin ŠAUER, Petr TONEV and Milan VITURKA. Atlas cestovního ruchu České republiky (Tourism Atlas of the Czech Republic). 1st ed. Praha: Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR, 2006, 156 pp. ISBN 80-239-7256-1.
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Basic information
Original name Atlas cestovního ruchu České republiky
Name in Czech Atlas cestovního ruchu České republiky
Name (in English) Tourism Atlas of the Czech Republic
Authors VYSTOUPIL, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Andrea HOLEŠINSKÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Josef KUNC (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Jaroslav MARYÁŠ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Daniel SEIDENGLANZ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Martin ŠAUER (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Petr TONEV (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Milan VITURKA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution).
Edition 1. vyd. Praha, 156 pp. 2006.
Publisher Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR
Other information
Original language Czech
Type of outcome Book on a specialized topic
Field of Study 50204 Business and management
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Publication form printed version "print"
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14560/06:00016509
Organization unit Faculty of Economics and Administration
ISBN 80-239-7256-1
Keywords (in Czech) turistika
Keywords in English Tourism; Atlas; Maps
Tags atlas, Maps, tourism
Tags International impact, Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Viturka, CSc., učo 1596. Changed: 27/6/2019 20:42.
Publikace podává ucelený přehled o poznatcích z oblasti rozvoje cestovního ruchu v České republice. Každý z více než sedmdesáti mapových listů atlasu je opatřen tématickým komentářem. Atlas je víceúčelovou publikací, která může sloužit i jako doplněk výuky zaměřené na problematiku cestovního ruchu.
Abstract (in English)
The monograph provides the general knowledge of tourism development in the Czech Republic. The atlas consists of more than seventy maps that are accompanied by texts. The publication is multifunctional. It could be used either as a supplement for tourism education.
WB-08-04, research and development projectName: Návrh nové rajonizace cestovního ruchu ČR
Investor: Ministry for Regional Development of the CR, The New Tourism Regionalization in the Czech Republic Draft
PrintDisplayed: 13/10/2024 00:00