J 2006

Influence of Silicon, Oxygen and Nitrogen Upon the Properties of Plasma Deposited Amorphous Diamond-like Carbon Coatings

BURŠÍKOVÁ, Vilma, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Pavel DVOŘÁK, Miroslav VALTR, Jiří BURŠÍK et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Influence of Silicon, Oxygen and Nitrogen Upon the Properties of Plasma Deposited Amorphous Diamond-like Carbon Coatings

Name in Czech

Vliv příměsí křemíku, kyslíku a dusíku na vlastnosti amorfních diamantu podobných uhlíkových vrstev deponovaných v plazmatu


BURŠÍKOVÁ, Vilma (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Pavel DVOŘÁK (203 Czech Republic), Miroslav VALTR (203 Czech Republic), Jiří BURŠÍK (203 Czech Republic), Olga BLÁHOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Vratislav PEŘINA (203 Czech Republic) and Jan JANČA (203 Czech Republic)


Journal of advanced oxidation technologies, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, Science & Technology Network, Inc. 2006, 1203-8407

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10305 Fluids and plasma physics

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 0.850

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

Silicon; Oxygen; Nitrogen; Admixtures; PECVD; Amorphous Diamond-like Carbon Coatings


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 4/7/2009 17:59, Mgr. Miroslav Valtr, Ph.D.


V originále

Amorphous diamond-like carbon films (DLC) with various silicon, oxygen and nitrogen content were deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique. The films were prepared from the mixture of methane and hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) in r.f. capacitively coupled discharges (13.56 MHz). The reactive plasma was investigated by optical emission spectroscopy and capacitive coupled planar probe. A combination of RBS, ERDA, FTIR and XPS methods was used to study the films' chemical composition and structure. The mechanical properties were studied using a depth sensing indentation technique. The films were mainly composed of C-C, C-H and C-Si bonds. The optimum deposition conditions for the preparation of DLC films, with enhanced thermo-mechanical stability, were determined.


MSM0021622411, plan (intention)
Name: Studium a aplikace plazmochemických reakcí v neizotermickém nízkoteplotním plazmatu a jeho interakcí s povrchem pevných látek
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Study and application of plasma chemical reactions in non-isothermic low temperature plasma and its interaction with solid surface