Czasopismo Psychologiczne, Poznań, Polsko, Instytut Psychologii UAM, 2006, 1425-6460
V originále
The principal objective of the research project was to explore the range of assessment methods used by Czech psychologists, and to examine whether the assessment methods are used adequately, what is the assessment context of their use, what are the psychometric standards of the methods, what are the forms of the methods, and what kind of methods (or particular tests) is needed or else dismissed. The survey was conducted on a sample of 316 psychologists. Psychologists working in clinical psychology, counseling psychology, managerial psychology, and armed forces were represented in following proportions: 4:3:2:1. We present an overview of the most utilized methods in the areas of assessment of intelligence, cognitive functioning, personality and personality pathology, development, neuropsychological functioning, and interpersonal relations; besides the ranks of the methods, the summary of evaluations of the methods is given.
In Czech
Základním cílem projektu bylo zmapovat rejstřík psychodiagnostických metod používaných českými psychology a prozkoumat, zda jsou psychodiagnostické metody používány adekvátně, v jakém psychodiagnostickém kontextu jsou používány, jaká je jejich psychometrická úroveň, v jakých formách jsou užívány a jaké typy metod a které konkrétní metody jsou respondenty postrádány či naopak odmítány. Bylo provedeno dotazníkové šetření na vzorku 316 psychologů. Psychologové působící v klinické psychologii, poradenské psychologii, manažerské psychologii a v ozbrojených složkách byli zastoupeni v poměru 4:3:2:1. Prezentujeme zde přehled nejpoužívanějších metod v oblasti diagnostiky inteligence, kognitivních funkcí, osobnosti a jejích patických rysů, vývoje, neuropsychologických jevů a interpersonálních vztahů; kromě pořadí metod je uvedeno vždy také stručné shrnutí hodnocení jednotlivých nástrojů pro danou oblast.
In English
The principal objective of the research project was to explore the range of assessment methods used by Czech psychologists, and to examine whether the assessment methods are used adequately, what is the assessment context of their use, what are the psychometric standards of the methods, what are the forms of the methods, and what kind of methods (or particular tests) is needed or else dismissed. The survey was conducted on a sample of 316 psychologists. Psychologists working in clinical psychology, counseling psychology, managerial psychology, and armed forces were represented in following proportions: 4:3:2:1. We present an overview of the most utilized methods in the areas of assessment of intelligence, cognitive functioning, personality and personality pathology, development, neuropsychological functioning, and interpersonal relations; besides the ranks of the methods, the summary of evaluations of the methods is given.