V originále
The topics talk about teaching pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary with young learners. One chapter is also devoted to intelligence types and another one to supplementary materials suitable for young learners. Future teachers can read about planning the lesson and also about long term planning and about class management, too.
Vložená témata pojednávají o výuce výslovnosti, gramatiky a slovní zásoby s mladšími žáky. Jedna z kapitol hovoří o inteligenčních typech. Budoucí učitelé se též dočtou o dlouhodobém i krátkodobém plánování, přípravě hodiny, učebních pomůckách a organizaci práce ve třídě.
The topics talk about teaching pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary with young learners. One chapter is also devoted to intelligence types and another one to supplementary materials suitable for young learners. Future teachers can read about planning the lesson and also about long term planning and about class management, too.