V originále
Building on the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, we claim that it is essential to reflect on how the practical sense of ethnicity contributes to the social reality of ethnocultural identities, how social actors' practical knowledge about ethnicity contributes to their ethnocultural identity. The complex relationships among various – minority as well as dominant – ethnic identities constitute the "field of ethnicity". As an instrument of social orientation in this field, the sense of ethnicity is not merely a sense of difference, it is a sense of hierarchical distinction, too. Political strategies of social inclusion through integrating minority ethnic identities inevitably modify the whole structure of the field of ethnicity. However, recent strategies of social inclusion by conceiving the cultural diversity of Czech society exclusively in the form of ethnic diversity and by treating the Czech national identity as a distinct form of ethnic identity exclude all other ethnocultural identities from the imagined ethnic community of the Czech nation.
In Czech
V tomto textu sledujeme vytváření kulturních identit minoritních skupin v etnicky různorodém sociálním prostoru České republiky. Spíše než na demografickou deskripci etnicky definovaných skupin a populací se zaměříme na mapování role, kterou tyto instituce a diskurzy hrají v procesech formování etnické identity. V centru naší pozornosti stojí praktické vytváření smyslu pro etnicitu coby zásadního prvku etnických identit.