V originále
Aim. To isolate and characterize Lactobacillus spp. inhabiting dental caries of children (up to age of 10). Methods. A total of 33 lactobacilli were isolated from 26 cases in period August to December 2005. Caries samples obtained from individual patients were cultivated in 5 % CO2 atmosphere on MRS and/or BHI agar supplemented by 10 % sheep blood. Biochemical and physiological properties of all strains were characterized by API 50CH kit and conventional tube tests. Rep-PCR fingerprinting with the (GTG)5 primer was used for genotype characterization of the isolates. Results. Evaluation of biochemical test results assigned 2 strains as L. acidophilus, 2 as L. casei, 2 as L. cellobiosus, 3 as L. fermentum, 1 as L. paracasei, 1 as L. plantarum, 5 as L. rhamnosus and 4 as L. salivarius; remaining strains (13) were not identified only to the species level. (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting grouped the analysed strains into a few clusters in nearly full agreement with biotype results and clarified taxonomic position of 4 biochemically unidentified strains. Two unidentified groups of isolates were separated in the full correspondence by both biotyping as well as genotyping into two homogeneous clusters. These groups may represent novel taxa. Conclusion. A total of 8 Lactobacillus species were isolated from dental caries of children. Results obtained by both methods were comparable. However, (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting has been shown as a quick, easy and less expensive identification tool than biotyping. Financial support from project No. 1M0021622409 is acknowledged.