J 2007

An overview of snow photochemistry: evidence, mechanisms and impacts


Basic information

Original name

An overview of snow photochemistry: evidence, mechanisms and impacts

Name in Czech

Fotochemie ve sněhu: důkaz, mechanismus a důsledky


GRANNAS, A. M. (840 United States of America), A. E. JONES (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), J. DIBB (840 United States of America), M. AMMAN (756 Switzerland), C. ANASTASIO (840 United States of America), H. J. BEINE (380 Italy), M. BERGIN (840 United States of America), J. BOTTENHEIM (124 Canada), C. S. BOXE (840 United States of America), G. CARVER (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), G. CHEN (840 United States of America), J. H. CRAWFORD (840 United States of America), F. DOMINE (250 France), M. M. FREY (840 United States of America), M. I. GUZMAN (840 United States of America), D. E. HEARD (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), D. HELMIG (840 United States of America), M. R. HOFFMANN (840 United States of America), R. E. HONRATH (840 United States of America), L. G. HUEY (840 United States of America), M. HUTTERLI (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), H. W. JACOBI (276 Germany), Petr KLÁN (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), B. LEFER (840 United States of America), J. MCCONNELL (124 Canada), J. PLANE (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), R. SANDER (276 Germany), J. SAVARINO (380 Italy), P. B. SHEPSON (840 United States of America), W. R. SIMPSON (840 United States of America), J. R. SODEAU (372 Ireland), R. VON GLASOW (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), R. WELLER (276 Germany), E. W. WOLFF (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and T. ZHU (156 China)


Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, Strasbourg, France, European Geosciences Union, 2007, 1680-7316

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10401 Organic chemistry

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 4.865

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

Photochemistry; snow; review


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 23/6/2009 15:12, prof. RNDr. Petr Klán, Ph.D.


V originále

It has been shown that sunlit snow and ice plays an important role in processing atmospheric species. Photochemical production of a variety of chemicals has recently been reported to occur in snow/ice and the release of these photochemically generated 5 species may significantly impact the chemistry of the overlying atmosphere. Nitrogen oxide and oxidant precursor fluxes have been measured in a number of snow covered environments, where in some cases the emissions significantly impact the overlying boundary layer. For example, photochemical ozone production (such as that occurring in polluted mid-latitudes) of 3-4 ppbv/day has been observed at South Pole, due 10 to high OH and NO levels present in a relatively shallow boundary layer. Field and laboratory experiments have determined that the origin of the observed NOx flux is the photochemistry of nitrate within the snowpack, however some details of the mechanism have not yet been elucidated. A variety of low molecular weight organic compounds have been shown to be emitted from sunlit snowpacks, the source of which 15 has been proposed to be either direct or indirect photooxidation of natural organic materials present in the snow. Although myriad studies have observed active processing of species within irradiated snowpacks, the fundamental chemistry occurring remains poorly understood. Here we consider the nature of snow at a fundamental, physical level; photochemical processes within snow and the caveats needed for comparison to 20 atmospheric photochemistry; our current understanding of nitrogen, oxidant, halogen and organic photochemistry within snow; the current limitations faced by the field and implications for the future.

In Czech

It has been shown that sunlit snow and ice plays an important role in processing atmospheric species. Photochemical production of a variety of chemicals has recently been reported to occur in snow/ice and the release of these photochemically generated 5 species may significantly impact the chemistry of the overlying atmosphere. Nitrogen oxide and oxidant precursor fluxes have been measured in a number of snow covered environments, where in some cases the emissions significantly impact the overlying boundary layer. For example, photochemical ozone production (such as that occurring in polluted mid-latitudes) of 3-4 ppbv/day has been observed at South Pole, due 10 to high OH and NO levels present in a relatively shallow boundary layer. Field and laboratory experiments have determined that the origin of the observed NOx flux is the photochemistry of nitrate within the snowpack, however some details of the mechanism have not yet been elucidated. A variety of low molecular weight organic compounds have been shown to be emitted from sunlit snowpacks, the source of which 15 has been proposed to be either direct or indirect photooxidation of natural organic materials present in the snow. Although myriad studies have observed active processing of species within irradiated snowpacks, the fundamental chemistry occurring remains poorly understood. Here we consider the nature of snow at a fundamental, physical level; photochemical processes within snow and the caveats needed for comparison to 20 atmospheric photochemistry; our current understanding of nitrogen, oxidant, halogen and organic photochemistry within snow; the current limitations faced by the field and implications for the future.


GA205/05/0819, research and development project
Name: Environmentální důsledky fotochemických transformací v ledu a sněhu
Investor: Czech Science Foundation, Enviromental consequences of photochemical processes in ice and snow
MSM0021622412, plan (intention)
Name: Interakce mezi chemickými látkami, prostředím a biologickými systémy a jejich důsledky na globální, regionální a lokální úrovni (INCHEMBIOL) (Acronym: INCHEMBIOL)
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Interactions among the chemicals, environment and biological systems and their consequences on the global, regional and local scales (INCHEMBIOL)