J 2007

Formal definitions of Slovakian mire plant associations and their application in regional research

DÍTĚ, Daniel, Michal HÁJEK and Petra HÁJKOVÁ

Basic information

Original name

Formal definitions of Slovakian mire plant associations and their application in regional research

Name in Czech

Formální definice slovenských rašeliništních asociací a jejich aplikace v regionálním výzkumu


DÍTĚ, Daniel (703 Slovakia), Michal HÁJEK (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) and Petra HÁJKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic)


Biologia, Bratislava, Springer, 2007, 0006-3088

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret


Impact factor

Impact factor: 0.207

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

Braun-Blanquet approach; Cocktail; fen; peatland; species group; vegetation survey; Slovakia


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 29/6/2009 13:59, prof. Mgr. Michal Hájek, Ph.D.


V originále

We applied the Cocktail method to a large data set of 4 117 relevés of all Slovak vegetation types with the aim to create formalised definitions of all Slovakian mire plant associations. We defined 21 groups of species with the statistical tendency of joint occurrences in vegetation. These groups differed substantially in their position along the pH/calcium gradient. We further defined 24 plant associations according to presence and/or absence of certain groups and/or strong dominance of some species. Only six traditional plant associations were not possible to be reproduced this way. We applied our formalised definitions to the regional data set of mires from the surrounding of the Vysoké Tatry Mts.

In Czech

Pomocí metody Coctail (kombinace druhových skupin) jsme vytvořili formáloní definice rostlinných asociací rašelinišť Slovenska. Druhové skupiny jsou charakterizovány pomocí pH a konduktivity vody. Metoda vedla k rozlišení společenstev lépe diferencovaných podle těchto faktorů než metoda klastrové analýzy.


AV0Z6005908, plan (intention)
Name: Biodiverzita rostlin: její variabilita, vývoj a funkce na úrovni organismů, společenstev a ekosystémů; její kulturní aspekty; využití v Průhonickém parku
MSM0021622416, plan (intention)
Name: Diverzita biotických společenstev a populací: kauzální analýza variability v prostoru a čase
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Diversity of Biotic Communities and Populations: Causal Analysis of variation in space and time