D 2007

eGovernment Services in Environment - Automate Data Quality Assessment - Czech Republic Approach

HLAVÁČEK, Miloslav, Michal HEJČ and Jiří HŘEBÍČEK

Basic information

Original name

eGovernment Services in Environment - Automate Data Quality Assessment - Czech Republic Approach

Name in Czech

Služby eGovernmentu v životním prostředí - Automatické hodnocení kvality dat - Přístup České republiky


HLAVÁČEK, Miloslav (203 Czech Republic), Michal HEJČ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) and Jiří HŘEBÍČEK (203 Czech Republic)


Aachen, EnviroInfo 2007. 21st International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. Environmental Informatics and System Research. Volume 2. Workshop and application papers. p. 159-166, 8 pp. 2007


Shaker Verlag

Other information



Type of outcome

Stať ve sborníku

Field of Study

10201 Computer sciences, information science, bioinformatics

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Medicine



Keywords in English

eGovernment services; data quality assesment; environmental information quality; data uncertainty;


International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 16/9/2007 21:53, prof. RNDr. Jiří Hřebíček, CSc.


V originále

Imprecision of data is an important characteristic feature of environmental monitoring, particularly at all kinds of fixed and moving sensor networks. Imprecision of primary data is an important characteristic feature of environmental monitoring. New approaches and methodologies of eGovernment services handling with environmental data uncertainty are explored. The paper presents comparison of such new approach developed in the Czech Republic against European Environment Agency and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approaches. The new approach to information management with data quality assessment brings for the Visegrad countries more flexible way of dealing with all kinds of uncertainty in eGovernment services. There are presented better results and less workload then standard approaches in the paper.

In Czech

Imprecision of data is an important characteristic feature of environmental monitoring, particularly at all kinds of fixed and moving sensor networks. Imprecision of primary data is an important characteristic feature of environmental monitoring. New approaches and methodologies of eGovernment services handling with environmental data uncertainty are explored. The paper presents comparison of such new approach developed in the Czech Republic against European Environment Agency and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approaches. The new approach to information management with data quality assessment brings for the Visegrad countries more flexible way of dealing with all kinds of uncertainty in eGovernment services. There are presented better results and less workload then standard approaches in the paper.


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