J 2009

Shoot heterogeneity in trees: Consequences of Patchy N availability and vascular transport


Basic information

Original name

Shoot heterogeneity in trees: Consequences of Patchy N availability and vascular transport

Name in Czech

Heterogenita nadzemí části u stromů: Důsledky heterogenní dostupnosti N a dálkového transportu


GLOSER, Vít (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Pavel SEDLÁČEK (203 Czech Republic) and Colin ORIANS (840 United States of America)


Nova Acta Leopoldina Neue Folge, Halle, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, 2009, 0369-5034

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

sectorial xylem anatomy;patchy N availability;shoot heterogeneity


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 31/3/2010 12:31, doc. RNDr. Vít Gloser, Ph.D.


V originále

We examined responses of two gymnosperms, Picea abies and Thuja occidentalis, to two nitrogen treatments, homogenous and patchy. We quantified whether the distribution and abundance of newly assimilated N would be more heterogeneous when the nitrogen supply was patchy. Plants were grown in split root treatment and supplied with N only to one separated root. After 3 months of cultivation we quantified 15N content in the current year needles for each branch. We found that patchy N supply lead to significant increase in heterogeneity of N distribution within shoot of both species. Within the patchy treatment, the coefficient of variation in relative 15N was greater for lower branches than for upper branches indicating that the distribution of 15N was less variable toward the top of the plant. We discuss several mechanisms that may contribute to more homogeneous N distribution in upper branches of the shoot. We conclude that seasonal N recycling of N within plant did not result in homogeneous distribution of newly assimilated N when N supply is patchy.

In Czech

Zkoumána byla reakce jehličnanů na heterogenní dostupnost dusíku ke kořenům. Po 3 měsících kultivace byla zejména distribuce nově asimilovaného 15N v nadzemní části výrazně heterogenní. Spojení vodivých pletiv a redistribuce N v rostlině tedy nezajistily homogenní rozložení N pokud byla heterogenita dostupného N v substrátu vysoká.


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