V originále
Stať se zabývá konceptem sociální exkluze, který v diskursu sociální politiky vytlačuje koncept chudoby a diskutuje jeho užitečnost při koncipování i analýze sociálních politik a diskursů, které jsou s nimi spojeny.
At the turn of the twenty-first century the terms social cohesion, social exclusion along with the term social inclusion, form a Bermuda triangles in the discourse of European Union social policy that has swallowed up some traditional concepts - like class, inequality and poverty. This is a reflection of efforts to reinterpret the social problems of today's Europe in a language in which new concepts play a key role. The concepts social cohesion, social exclusion and social inclusion which are infiltating step by step into discourse of social policy of the Czech Republic may change some its goals and procedures, but as well organizational backup for providing of social benefits and social work. The problem of that mentioned discoursive transformation in Czech republic is nevertheless the fact, that it was stopped at the level of central government and has no real influence on the execution of social policy at regional and local level.