Decreased baroreflex sensitivity (BRS in ms/mmHg; BRSf in mHz/mmHg) contributes to the development of hypertension and to the risk of sudden cardiac death in patients after myocardial infarction. The aim of this study was to evaluate association of single nucleotide polymorphism A1166C in angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) gene with BRS and BRSf in man. We found significant association of A1166C polymorphism in AT1 receptor gene with baroreflex sensitivity. Less frequent allele was associated with decreased BRS and BRSf.
In Czech
Snížená citlivost baroreflexu (BRS v ms/mmHg, BRSf v mHz/mmHg) přispívá ke vzniku hypertenze a náhlé srdeční smrti po infarktu myokardu. Cílem této studie bylo vyhodnotit asociaci polymorfismu A1166C v genu pro AT1 receptor s BRS a BRSf u člověka. Byla nalezena signifikantní asociace polymorfismu A1166C v genu pro AT1 receptor s citlivostí baroreflexu. Přítomnost méně četné alely byla asociována se sníženou BRS a BRSf.
MSM0021622402, plan (intention)
Name: Časná diagnostika a léčba kardiovaskulárních chorob
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Early diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases