VOTAVA, Miroslav. Co čeká lékařskou mikrobiologii za 20 let? (What are the Prospects for Medical Microbiology in the Next 20 Years?). Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2007, vol. 56, No 1, p. 20-22. ISSN 1210-7913.
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Basic information
Original name Co čeká lékařskou mikrobiologii za 20 let?
Name (in English) What are the Prospects for Medical Microbiology in the Next 20 Years?
Authors VOTAVA, Miroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor).
Edition Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. Praha, Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2007, 1210-7913.
Other information
Original language Czech
Type of outcome Article in a journal
Field of Study 10600 1.6 Biological sciences
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14110/07:00032934
Organization unit Faculty of Medicine
Keywords in English medical microbiology; future; molecular biology; conventional methods
Tags conventional methods, Future, medical microbiology, molecular biology
Tags Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: prof. MUDr. Miroslav Votava, CSc., učo 5. Changed: 25/6/2009 10:24.
V budoucnosti si mikrobiologické laboratoře budou muset udržovat odbornou dokonalost jak v postupech molekulárně biologických, tak v postupech klasických.
Abstract (in English)
In the future, microbiological laboratories are expected to maintain their proficiency in both molecular biological procedures and conventional methods.
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