A 2007

Formalisms and Tools for Design and Specification of Network Protocols

BABICA, Jindřich, Vojtěch ŘEHÁK, Petr SLOVÁK, Pavel TROUBIL, Martin ZAVADIL et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Formalisms and Tools for Design and Specification of Network Protocols

Name in Czech

Formalizmy a nástroje pro navrh a specifikaci sitovych protokolu


BABICA, Jindřich (203 Czech Republic), Vojtěch ŘEHÁK (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Petr SLOVÁK (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Pavel TROUBIL (203 Czech Republic) and Martin ZAVADIL (203 Czech Republic)


Brno, FIMU-RS-2007-02, 2007



Other information



Type of outcome

Audiovisual works

Field of Study

10201 Computer sciences, information science, bioinformatics

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret


RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords in English

Network protocol description; Message Sequence Charts; realizability; race conditions; formal verification


International impact
Changed: 13/6/2013 12:25, RNDr. Pavel Troubil, Ph.D.


V originále

Message Sequence Charts (MSC) are a useful formalism for formalization of network protocols early in their design phase. In this paper, we introduce the basics of MSC language and describe some of the possibilities for automatic location of "problematic" parts in the design. Focus is then given to different modifications of MSC design (FIFO behavior, bounded channels, etc. ) as well as formal checking of more complex design properties (MSC membership, realizability). Next, an introduction of Specification and Description Language (SDL) is presented. Possibilities of automatic synthesis of system design in MSC to an SDL model and it`s correctness verification are mentioned.

In Czech

Message Sequence Charts (MSC) jsou užitečným formalizmem pro popis síťových protokolu v ranné fázi jejich návrhu. V tomto přízpěvku uvádíme základy jazyka MSC a popisujeme možnosti jeho využití při modelování problematických části návrhu. Dále se zaměřujeme na možné modifikace MSC popisu (FIFO chování, omezení datových kanálů, atd.) stejně jako na možnosti automatického ověření správnosti (MSC membership, realizavatelnost). Stručně též zavádíme Specification and Description Language (SDL).


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