Mire vegetation of the Muránska Planina Mts: formalised classification, ecology, main environmental gradient and influence of geographical position
Name in Czech
Rašeliništní vegetace na Muráňské planině: formalizovaná klasifikace, ekologie, hlavní gradient prostředí a vliv geografické polohy
HRIVNÁK, Richard (703 Slovakia), Michal HÁJEK (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Drahoš BLANÁR (703 Slovakia), Judita KOCHJAROVÁ (703 Slovakia) and Petra HÁJKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Mire vegetation of the Muránska planina Mts and adjacent parts of neighbouring orographical units was classified by national formal definitions of mire associations. Vegetation plots were arranged from rich fens over moderately rich fens towards poor Sphagnum fens and raised bog. This fact was confirmed by a strong and significant correlation of the DCA site scores on the first axis with the measured pH and water conductivity. The second DCA axis correlated with mean Ellenberg indicator values for both temperature and soil nutrients. The study region was found to be conspicuously less diverse than the distribution centres of mire habitats in Slovakia (Orava and Vysoké Tatry regions), but more diverse than most of other marginal regions of mire distribution. Relatively high beta diversity of mires was probably caused by variable bedrock and local climate.
In Czech
Byla zkoumána rašeliništní vegetace na Muráňské planině. Vegetaci jsme klasifikovali pomocí formálních definic, hlavní gradient prostředí jsme charakterizovali pomocí pH a konduktivity. Diverzita vegetace byla srovnána s územími s rozsáhlejším výskytem rašelinišť.
MSM0021622416, plan (intention)
Name: Diverzita biotických společenstev a populací: kauzální analýza variability v prostoru a čase
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Diversity of Biotic Communities and Populations: Causal Analysis of variation in space and time