p 2008

Multidetection platform for microcolumn separation of proteins and peptides


Basic information

Original name

Multidetection platform for microcolumn separation of proteins and peptides

Name in Czech

Multidetection platform for microcolumn separation of proteins and peptides


PREISLER, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)



Other information



Type of outcome

Requested lectures

Field of Study

10406 Analytical chemistry

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

CE; ICP; MALDI MS; interface; off-line coupling
Changed: 11/4/2013 09:44, prof. Mgr. Jan Preisler, Ph.D.


V originále

This lecture will describe an instrumentation platform based on universal interface for deposition of CE or microLC eluent on a target of a MALDI mass spectrometer. The deposited fractions of proteins or peptides are analyzed off-line using MALDI mass or tandem mass spectrometry (MS or MS/MS) and native laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection or subjected to on-target reactions, such as digestion for protein identification. Another detection mode is inductively coupled plasma optical emission and/or mass spectrometry (ICP OES, resp. MS), nature of which is complementary to soft MALDI MS. For the first time, we proposed MALD for desorption of sample from the target and introduction to ICP. Thus, both information about protein identity and content of elements, such as metals or phosphorus will be available from a single separation record. Initial results of MALD - ICP OES/MS analysis of metal species will be shown to demonstrate the feasibility of the new platform. The developed instrumentation and methods will be tested on analysis of metal complexes, protein complexes with metals and phosphorylated proteins.

In Czech

This lecture will describe an instrumentation platform based on universal interface for deposition of CE or microLC eluent on a target of a MALDI mass spectrometer. The deposited fractions of proteins or peptides are analyzed off-line using MALDI mass or tandem mass spectrometry (MS or MS/MS) and native laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection or subjected to on-target reactions, such as digestion for protein identification. Another detection mode is inductively coupled plasma optical emission and/or mass spectrometry (ICP OES, resp. MS), nature of which is complementary to soft MALDI MS. For the first time, we proposed MALD for desorption of sample from the target and introduction to ICP. Thus, both information about protein identity and content of elements, such as metals or phosphorus will be available from a single separation record. Initial results of MALD - ICP OES/MS analysis of metal species will be shown to demonstrate the feasibility of the new platform. The developed instrumentation and methods will be tested on analysis of metal complexes, protein complexes with metals and phosphorylated proteins.


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MSM0021622412, plan (intention)
Name: Interakce mezi chemickými látkami, prostředím a biologickými systémy a jejich důsledky na globální, regionální a lokální úrovni (INCHEMBIOL) (Acronym: INCHEMBIOL)
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