D 2007

First-principles lattice stabilities of Laves phases in chromium alloys

PAVLŮ, Jana, Jan VŘEŠŤÁL and Mojmír ŠOB

Basic information

Original name

First-principles lattice stabilities of Laves phases in chromium alloys

Name in Czech

Prvoprincipielní mřižkové stability Lavesových fází ve slitinách chromu


PAVLŮ, Jana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Jan VŘEŠŤÁL (203 Czech Republic) and Mojmír ŠOB (203 Czech Republic)


Bucharest (Romania), VIII International Workshop of APDTC, p. 3-3, 1 pp. 2007


Romanian Academy

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10403 Physical chemistry

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords in English

ab initio calculations;Laves phase;thermodynamics
Changed: 30/6/2008 01:12, doc. Mgr. Jana Pavlů, Ph.D.


V originále

On the basis of ab initio electronic structure calculations, we provided a thermodynamic study of Laves phases in Cr- systems.

In Czech

Na základě ab initio výpočtů elektronové struktury byla provedena termodynamická studie Lavesových fází v systémech obsahujících Cr.


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Investor: Czech Science Foundation, Theoretical and experimental investigations of thermodynamic properties in transition metal based intermetallic phases
GA202/06/1509, research and development project
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Investor: Czech Science Foundation, Theoretical studies of structure and magnetic properties of internal interfaces in metallic materials
MSM0021622410, plan (intention)
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OC 164, research and development project
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