a 2008

Re-examination of the rationale for the use of bipyridylium cation radicals as site-specific electron donors for respiratory nitrate reduction

ILLICHMANOVÁ, Adéla, Miroslava JANŮ, Vojtěch SEDLÁČEK and Igor KUČERA

Basic information

Original name

Re-examination of the rationale for the use of bipyridylium cation radicals as site-specific electron donors for respiratory nitrate reduction

Name in Czech

Testování bipyridyliových kationradikálů jako specifických donorů pro respirační nitrátreduktasu


ILLICHMANOVÁ, Adéla (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Miroslava JANŮ (203 Czech Republic), Vojtěch SEDLÁČEK (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Igor KUČERA (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


FEBS Journal Supplement 33rd FEBS Congress, 2008

Other information



Type of outcome

Conference abstract

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 3.139

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science




Keywords in English

nitrate reductase; electron donor; membrane permeability; specificity; viologen


International impact
Changed: 29/4/2011 09:50, prof. RNDr. Igor Kučera, DrSc.


V originále

Paracoccus denitrificans express two distinct nitrate reductases that are associated with the respiratory chain: the membrane-bound Nar, and the periplasmic Nap. Their activity is usually measured using colored bipyridylium cation radicals methyl viologen (MV) or benzyl viologen (BV) as electron donors. It is generally believed that the more polar MV does not enter the cell and hence donates electrons exclusively to Nap, while oxidation of hydrophobic BV reflects the action of both enzymes. This issue was further examined by a kinetic analysis of nitrate reduction in the wild-type strain and in the Nar or Nap mutant strains. The results show that (i) MV is a quite effective donor for either enzyme, (ii) BV blocks the active transport of nitrate to the active site of Nar, and (iii) BV functions as an ionophore for nitrate at higher concentrations.

In Czech

Paracoccus denitrificans vytváří dvě respirační nitrátreduktasy: membránovou Nar a periplasmatickou Nap. Jejich aktivita se obvykle měří pomocí barevných bipyridyliových kationredikálů methylviologenu (MV) nebo benzylviologenu (BV) jako elektronových donorů. Výsledky ukazují, že MV dodává elektrony oběma enzymům, BV blokuje transport dusičnanu k aktivnímu centru Nar a působí jako ionofor pro dusičnan při jeho vyšší koncentraci.


MSM0021622413, plan (intention)
Name: Proteiny v metabolismu a při interakci organismů s prostředím
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Proteins in metabolism and interaction of organisms with the environment