J 2008

Bad wolf kills lovable rabbits: childrens attitudes toward predator and prey

PROKOP, Pavol and Milan KUBIATKO

Basic information

Original name

Bad wolf kills lovable rabbits: childrens attitudes toward predator and prey

Name in Czech

Zlý vlk zabíji roztomilé zajíčky: postoje detí ku predátorovi a kořisti


PROKOP, Pavol (703 Slovakia) and Milan KUBIATKO (703 Slovakia, guarantor)


Electronic Journal of Science Education, 2008, 1087-3430

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

50300 5.3 Education

Country of publisher

United States of America

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret


RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords in English

attitudes; animals; predator; prey; ecology


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 23/2/2009 15:52, PaedDr. Milan Kubiatko, PhD.


V originále

This cross-age study explores childrens attitude toward a model predator (wolf) and prey (rabbit). We administered a Likert-type attitude questionnaire with 30 items (15 per predator and 15 per prey) to a total of 462 children aged 10-15 year in Slovakia. The mean score from three dimensions derived by a factor analysis (scientific, ecologistic and myths about parental care) was then subjected for pair wise comparisons. We found that younger children aged 10-11 year showed significantly more positive attitude toward a rabbit (prey) relative to wolf (predator). However, as childrens age increased, the difference in means score disappear and positive attitudes toward predator and prey generally decrease. We hypothesize that these patterns could reflect either greater childrens ecological thinking or, more simply, decreasing interest toward animals in older children. The difference in attitudes toward predator and prey suggest that childrens affective domain should not be neglected in future environmental programs, because attitudes influence pro-environmental behavior of future citizens.

In Czech

Príspevok skúma postoje žiakov k modelovému typu predátora (vlk) a ku koristi (zajac). Merny nástroj bol použítý Likertov škálovaný dotazník, obsahujúci 30 položiek. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 462 študentov zo Slovenska. Faktorovou analýzou boli zistené 3 dimenzie. Bolo zistené, že mladší žiaci (10-11-roční) mali pozitívnejší postoj ku koristi v porovnaní s predátorom. Postupujúcim vekom sa tento rozdiel zmenšoval.


LC06046, research and development project
Name: Centrum základního výzkumu školního vzdělávání (Acronym: RECES)
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Research Centre on Schooling