DROZD, David. Vlak náhodně projíždějící okrajem akademického diskurzu (Train Accidentally Passing Along Academic discourse). In Ad honorem Bořivoj Srba. Brno: JAMU, 2006, p. 195-208, 13 pp. ISBN 80-86928-16-0.
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Basic information
Original name Vlak náhodně projíždějící okrajem akademického diskurzu
Name (in English) Train Accidentally Passing Along Academic discourse
Authors DROZD, David (203 Czech Republic, guarantor).
Edition Brno, Ad honorem Bořivoj Srba, p. 195-208, 13 pp. 2006.
Publisher JAMU
Other information
Original language Czech
Type of outcome Proceedings paper
Field of Study Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14210/06:00034009
Organization unit Faculty of Arts
ISBN 80-86928-16-0
Keywords in English Josef Topol; Václav Havel; Czech drama; 70ties
Tags 70ties, Czech drama, Josef Topol, Václav Havel
Changed by Changed by: doc. MgA. David Drozd, Ph.D., učo 16452. Changed: 27/3/2010 20:52.
Komparativní analýza her Václava Havla Horský hotel a Josefa Topola Sbohem Sokrate!, opřená o fakt společného přátelství obou dramatiků s mysletelem Josefem Šafaříkem.
Abstract (in English)
Comparative analysis of plays by Vaclav Havel (The Mountain Hotel) and Josef Topol (Farewell to Socratees) based on fact, that both playwrights were close frineds of thinker josef Safarik.
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