J 2008

Constant current chronopotentiometry and voltammetry of native and denatured serum albumin at mercury and carbon electrodes

OSTATNÁ, Veronika, Filiz KURALAY, Libuše TRNKOVÁ and Emil PALEČEK

Basic information

Original name

Constant current chronopotentiometry and voltammetry of native and denatured serum albumin at mercury and carbon electrodes

Name in Czech

Chronopotenciometrie a voltametrie nativního a denaturovaného sérového albuminu na rtuťových a uhlíkových elektrodách


OSTATNÁ, Veronika (703 Slovakia), Filiz KURALAY (792 Turkey), Libuše TRNKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) and Emil PALEČEK (203 Czech Republic)


Electroanalysis, Weinheim, Germany, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2008, 1040-0397

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10405 Electrochemistry

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 2.901

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

chronopotentiometry; voltammetry; albumin
Changed: 14/7/2009 15:28, prof. RNDr. Libuše Trnková, CSc.


V originále

Constant current chronopotentiometric peak H at mercury electrodes was recently shown as a sensitive tool for global and local changes in protein conformation. Large differences between the heights of peak H of native (hBSAnat) and denatured BSA (hBSAden) were observed. The ratio hBSAden/hBSAnat increased with more negative stripping current suggesting that the rate of potential change is important for discrimination between native and denatured BSA. Voltammetric peaks of BSA were less well developed and BSAden/BSAnat was much smaller. It was not possible to discriminate BSAden and BSAnat using carbon electrodes.

In Czech

Chronopotenciometrický pík H na rtuťové elektrodě se nedávno ukázal jako citlivý nástroj pro studium globálních i lokálních změn v konformaci proteinů. Byly pozorovány velké rozdíly ve výšce píku nativního a denaturovaného albuminu.


LC06035, research and development project
Name: Centrum biofyzikální chemie, bioelektrochemie a bioanalýzy. Nové nástroje pro genomiku, proteomiku a biomedicínu.
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Centre of Biophysical Chemistry, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioanalysis. New Tools for Genomics, Proteomics and Biomedicine
OC 174, research and development project
Name: Využití rozšířených elektrochemických metod ke studiu elektrochemických a bioelektrochemických procesů na mezifázi elektroda/elektrolyt
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Utilization of Hyphenated Electrochemical Methods to the Study of Electrochemical and Bio-electrochemical Processes at Solid-Electrolyte Interfaces