The evaluation of the ability to suppress systolic blood pressure variability (SBPv) by baroreflex at a frequency of 0.1 Hz was the aim of the present study. Fifty eight subjects (20 to 22 years of age) were examined in the rest, systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP, DBP) and inter beat intervals (IBI) were recorded beat to beat for 5 min (Finapres, controlled breathing at a frequency of 0.33 Hz). Baroreflex sensitivity expressed in ms/mmHg (BRS) and in mHz/mmHg (BRSf) was determined by spectral methods. The quantitative effects of BRS and BRSf on SBPv were evaluated after both variables were expressed as multiples of standard deviations. Our analysis revealed that the cardiac interval independent index BRSf is a better indicator for evaluation of the effectivity of baroreflex sensitivity to suppress the SBPv than the cardiac interval dependent index BRS.
In Czech
Studie se zabývá hodnocením efektivity barorefelxu v potlačení variability systolického krevního tlaku. Výsledky ukazují, že index citlivosti barorrefelxu, který je nezávislý na tepové frekvenci (BRSf) je lepším ukazatelem pro hodnocení této efektivity než index citlivosti baroreflexu BRS, který je na tepovém intervalu závislý.
MSM0021622402, plan (intention)
Name: Časná diagnostika a léčba kardiovaskulárních chorob
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Early diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases