J 2008

GDx pred a po LASIK u strednej a vyššej myopie.


Basic information

Original name

GDx pred a po LASIK u strednej a vyššej myopie.

Name in Czech

GDx pred a po LASIK u strednej a vyššej myopie.

Name (in English)

GDx before and after LASIK in Middle and High Myopia


HLAVÁČOVÁ, Petra (703 Slovakia, guarantor) and Monika HORÁČKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic)


Česká a slovenská oftalmologie, Praha, Česká lékařská společnost J.E.Purkyně, 2008, 1211-9059

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

30200 3.2 Clinical medicine

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords in English

myopia; LASIK; GDx ; RNFL



International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 12/4/2010 21:05, Ing. Blanka Přikrylová


V originále

Cieľ: Zhodnotiť, či dochádza k štatisticky významným zmenám v RNFL po LASIK. Zhodnotiť, či zmeny v štruktúre rohovky spôsobené LASIK, majú vplyv na výsledky merania RNFL pomocou GDx VCC. Súbor a metodika: Súbor tvorilo 100 očí 51 pacientov (32 žien, 19 mužov), priemerného veku 28,55 5,1 roka SD (18 až 50 rokov). Priemerná refrakčná vada vyjadrená hodnotou sférického ekvivalentu (SE) bola minus 5,46 1,40 Dpt(SD). Súbor bol rozdelený na skupinu A (69 očí so SE od minus 3,25 Dpt do minus 6,0 Dpt) a skupinu B (31 očí so SE od minus 6,25 Dpt do minus 12,0 Dpt). Pacienti podstúpili LASIK na korekciu myopie. Hrúbka RNFL bola meraná pomocou GDx analyzátora s variabilným rohovkovým kompenzátorom. Meranie bolo prevedené pred a 1, 3, 6 a 12 mesiacov po LASIK. Výsledky meraní boli štatisticky spracované pomocou Wilcoxonovho neparametrického párového testu a porovnanie výsledkov medzi skupinou A a B pomocou Mann Whitney U testu. Výsledky: Štatisticky významný rozdiel v hrúbke RNFL (p < 0,05) bol zaznamenaný v Superior Average po 3 a 12 mesiacoch od LASIK (p = 0,016, p = 0,018), v Inferior Average pri všetkých kontrolách (p = 0,047, p = 0,0001, p = 0,0003, p = 0,001) a v NFI po 12 mesiacoch (p = 0,039). Hodnoty rozdielov v RNFL v jednotlivých mesiacoch po LASIK medzi skupinou A a B boli hodnotené pomocou Mann Whitney U neparametrického testu. Štatisticky významný rozdiel v Inferior Average bol zaznamenaný 1, 6 a 12 mesiacocv po LASIK (p = 0,01; p = 0,01; p = 0,04); v TSNIT Average po 6 mesiacoch (p = 0,01); v hodnotách NFI po 1 mesiaci (p = 0,03). V Superior Average štatisticky významný rozdiel zaznamenaný nebol. Záver: V súbore sme preukázali štatisticky významný pokles v RNFL po LASIK v jednotlivých kvadrantoch. Klinicky boli rozdiely v RNFL pred a po LASIK minimálne. Predpokladáme vplyv zmeny polarizačných vlastností rohovky spôsobenou LASIK na výsledky merania pomocou GDx.

In English

AIM: To evaluate, if there are statistically significant changes in the RNFL (retinal nerve fibre layer) after LASIK. To evaluate, if the changes in the corneal structure caused by LASIK involve the results of the RNFL by means of GDx VCC. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The group consisted of 100 eyes of 51 patients (32 women, 19 men); the mean age was 28.55 5.1 years (SD)(18-50 years). The average refractive error in spherical equivalent (SE) was -5.46 1.40 D (SD) (dioptres). The group was divided into two subgroups: subgroup A (69 eyes with SE from -3.25 D to -6.0 D), and subgroup B (31 eyes with SE from -6.25 D to -12 D). The patients underwent the LASIK procedure to correct the myopia. The thickness of the RFNL was measured by means of GDx analyzer with variable corneal compensator. The measurements were performed before and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after the LASIK procedure. The results of the measurements were statistically evaluated by means of the Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: The statistically significant difference in the RNFL thickness (p less then 0.05) was found in "Superior Average" 3 and 12 months after LASIK (p = 0.016, p = 0.018), in "Inferior Average" in all controls (p = 0.047, p = 0.0001, p = 0.0003, p = 0.001) and in "NFI" after 12 months (p = 0.039). The values of difference in RNFL thickness in separate measurements after LASIK between both subgroups A and B were evaluated by means of Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test. Statistically significant difference in "Inferior Average" was found 1,6, and 12 months after LASIK (p = 0.01, p = 0.01, p = 0.04); in "TSNIT Average" after 6 months (p = 0.01); in "NFI" values after 1 month (p = 0.03). In "Superior Average, no statistically significant difference was found. SUMMARY: In our group we have found statistically significant decrease of RNFL thickness after LASIK in every single quadrant. Clinically, the differences in RNFL thickness before and after LASIK were minimal. We suppose the measurements by means of GDX are influenced by changes in the polarization features of the cornea caused by LASIK procedure.