a 2009

Experimental determination of phase equilibria and reassessment of Ag-Pd system


Basic information

Original name

Experimental determination of phase equilibria and reassessment of Ag-Pd system

Name in Czech

Experimantální stanovení fázových rovnováh a reassessment soustavy Ag-Pd

Name (in English)

Experimental determination of phase equilibria and reassessment of Ag-Pd system


ZEMANOVÁ, Adéla (203 Czech Republic), Jiří SOPOUŠEK (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) and Jan VŘEŠŤÁL (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


CALPHAD XXXVIII (May 17-22, 2009), 2009

Other information



Type of outcome

Conference abstract

Field of Study

10403 Physical chemistry

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords (in Czech)

CALPHAD; termická analýza; fázové diagramy

Keywords in English

CALPHAD; thermal analysis; phase diagram


International impact
Changed: 7/2/2012 09:12, prof. RNDr. Jiří Sopoušek, CSc.


V originále

In lead-free soldering, the silver is usually used as solder component and palladium often as component of substrate. Therefore, Ag-Pd system is of interest for possible interference of components in solder joints. The system Ag-Pd reveals simple liquidus-solidus two phase region [1]. An enthalpy of mixing of liquid Ag-Pd solution was evaluated recently [2]. In this work an additional DSC determination of solidus and liquidus temperatures at chosen compositions was performed. Existing assessment [1] of thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data in the Ag-Pd system was revised on the base of calorimetric data for liquid Ag-Pd alloys [2] and DSC measurement. New determination of liquidus and solidus temperatures using DSC method in this work confirmed substantially narrower liquid/fcc two-phase field in phase diagram, in agreement with the reassessment.

In English

In lead-free soldering, the silver is usually used as solder component and palladium often as component of substrate. Therefore, Ag-Pd system is of interest for possible interference of components in solder joints. The system Ag-Pd reveals simple liquidus-solidus two phase region [1]. An enthalpy of mixing of liquid Ag-Pd solution was evaluated recently [2]. In this work an additional DSC determination of solidus and liquidus temperatures at chosen compositions was performed. Existing assessment [1] of thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data in the Ag-Pd system was revised on the base of calorimetric data for liquid Ag-Pd alloys [2] and DSC measurement. New determination of liquidus and solidus temperatures using DSC method in this work confirmed substantially narrower liquid/fcc two-phase field in phase diagram, in agreement with the reassessment.


MSM0021622410, plan (intention)
Name: Fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti pokročilých materiálů a struktur
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Physical and chemical properties of advanced materials and structures
OC09010, research and development project
Name: Studium termodynamických vlastností a fázových diagramů soustav pro vysokoteplotní bezolovnaté pájky
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Thermodynamic and Phase Diagram Studies of Systems for High Temperature Lead-Free Solders