THONGPANCHANG, Tienthong, Kamil PARUCH, Thomas KATZ, Arnold RHEINGOLD, Kin-Chung LAM a Louise LIABLE-SANDS. Why (1S)-Camphanates Are Excellent Resolving Agents for Helicen-1-ols and Why They Can Be Used to Analyze Absolute Configurations. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2000, roč. 2000, č. 65, s. 1850-1856. ISSN 0022-3263.
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Originální název Why (1S)-Camphanates Are Excellent Resolving Agents for Helicen-1-ols and Why They Can Be Used to Analyze Absolute Configurations
Název česky Why (1S)-Camphanates Are Excellent Resolving Agents for Helicen-1-ols and Why They Can Be Used to Analyze Absolute Configurations
Autoři THONGPANCHANG, Tienthong (840 Spojené státy), Kamil PARUCH (203 Česká republika, garant), Thomas KATZ (840 Spojené státy), Arnold RHEINGOLD (840 Spojené státy), Kin-Chung LAM (840 Spojené státy) a Louise LIABLE-SANDS (840 Spojené státy).
Vydání Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000, 0022-3263.
Další údaje
Originální jazyk angličtina
Typ výsledku Článek v odborném periodiku
Obor 10401 Organic chemistry
Stát vydavatele Spojené státy
Utajení není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Impakt faktor Impact factor: 3.689
Kód RIV RIV/00216224:14310/00:00036037
Organizační jednotka Přírodovědecká fakulta
Klíčová slova česky helicene; camphanates; resolution
Klíčová slova anglicky helicene; camphanates; resolution
Štítky camphanates, helicene, RESOLUTION
Změnil Změnil: doc. Mgr. Kamil Paruch, Ph.D., učo 108413. Změněno: 25. 6. 2009 15:27.
The questions considered in this paper are why, as agents for resolving helicenols, camphanate esters are particularly effective, and why, in all 19 examples studied, when the (1S)-camphanates of (P)- and (M)-helicen-1-ols are chromatographed on silica gel, the former has the lower Rf. Models are proposed for the favored conformations of the esters, and to support the models, evidence is provided from five X-ray diffraction analyses and four ROESY analyses supplemented by mol. mechanics calcns. The essential discovery is that, presumably to avoid a steric interaction between a Me on the camphanate's bridge and the helicene skeleton, the O:CCO conformation is anti-periplanar in (M)-helicenol camphanates and syn-periplanar in (P)-helicenol camphanates. In the former, the lactone carbonyl points toward the helicene ring system, and in the latter, it points away.
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