Estimating Output Gap in the Czech Republic: DSGE Approach Pavel Herber1 and Daniel Němec2 1 Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrations Department of Economics Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2 Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrations Department of Economics Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic nemecd@econ.minii. cz Abstract. In our contribution, we estimate the output gap that is consistent with a fully specified DSGE model. The output gap is defined in this framework as a deviation of actual output from its flexible-price equilibrium level. The flexible-price equilibrium corresponds to the state of the economy with more efficient allocation. These estimates are thus useful indicators for monetary policy. Our output gap illustrates Czech business cycles which are rather different to other estimates (e.g. HP filter). This result may be typical for economies in transition. Moreover, our results for the Czech economy show that the turning points in the gaps are accompanied by government changes. 1 Introduction There are various methods and models to estimate the potential output and output gap. One way is to use pure statistical estimates (e.g. HP filter). Such an approach lacks of economic content. Production function method estimates an aggregate production function with equilibrium inputs. "More economic" approaches estimate potential output within the framework of the Phillips curve. These models exploit reduced-form equations and the resulting output gaps are non-accelerating inflation measure. In our contribution, we estimate the output gap (using Bayesian techniques) that is consistent with a fully specified DSGE model. The output gap is defined in this framework as a deviation of actual output from its flexible-price equilibrium level. The flexible-price equilibrium corresponds to the state of the economy with more efficient allocation. These estimates are thus useful indicators for monetary policy. Our contribution is structured as follows. The next section provides a brief description of the basic New Keynesian DSGE model which is used for our analysis. Section 3 explains used data and estimation techniques. In Section 4, our baseline estimation results are presented and robustness of our analysis is checked. Section 5 concludes this contribution. 2 The model The model is a simple variant of the standard New Keynesian (NK) DSGE model used by Hirose and Nagamima [5]. The model consists of optimizing households and monopolistic firms facing price stickiness. Monetary policy follows an interest-rate feedback rule. All real variables are detrended by a non-stationary trend component of the productivity process At with the constant growth rate 7*. This assumption guarantees stationarity of the model. We will present only the log-linearized version of the model in this contribution. Basic equations, derivation of first-order conditions and details to the log-linearization of corresponding equations are provided by Herber [3] and Herber and Nemec [4]. For further references and extensions of basic NK DSGE model see Gall [2]. Our system consists from following log-linearized equations: uC,t ~Vt -Pt lC,t EtU*c,t+\ - EtVt+i +rt- EtTvt+i dt + Vnt - u*Ct + yt 1 l-(3h (1 - t) (1 + (3hz)yt - hyt-! - f3hEtyt+1 dt — (5hEtd, t+i (1) (2) (3) TTt = [3EtTTt+1 + ±-"—^-'-(ft 1-lu Vt = at + *f 1 (zt - 0wEtzt+1) (4) 1 + Tj 1 + 77 1C,t 1 l-(3h + dt - j3hEtdt+i rt = prrt-i + (1 - Pr) (1 - r) ^(1 + Ph2)y{ - hyU - PhEtyft+1^ dt zt at Pddt-l + €d,t PzZt-i + ez,t PaUt-l + £a,t (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Lower case letters are logarithms of the corresponding upper cases. The notation is very intuitive but all the details may be found in Herber [3] or Herber and Nemec [4]. We have seven equations for endogenous variables and three equations which describe exogenous processes. The system includes four shocks -£r,t,£d,t,£z,t a £a,t- Previous equations may be read as follows: Equation (1) is a New Keynesian IS curve (Euler equation for the consumption). Equation (2) represents labor supply curve of the households. Equation (3) express marginal utility of consumption. Equation (4) is a New Keynesian Phillips curve. Equation (5) defines potential output. Equation (6) reflects marginal utility of consumption in the case of flexible-price framework. Equation (7) is a modified Taylor rule. Equation (8) is the AR(l) process of demand shock. Equation (9) is the AR(1) process of cost shock. Equation (10) is the AR(l) process of productivity shock. We will use the log-linearized versions of both production function and real marginal costs: yt = at+nt, (11) (fit = wt - pt - at. (12) We estimate 15 parameters. These parameters are described in the Table 1. Table 1. Parameters Parameter Description Range Density T-1 Intertemporal elasticity in consumption IR+ Gamma ß Discount factor (0,1) Beta h Habit persistence (0,1) Beta T1 Elasticity of substitution between labor and consumption m+ Gamma u The share of non-optimizing firms [0,1] Beta Elasticity of the interest rate with respect to inflation IR+ Gamma Elasticity of the interest rate with respect to output gap IR+ Gamma pv Interest rate smoothness [0,1) Beta pd Persistence in the demand shock [0,1) Beta Pz Persistence in the supply shock [0,1) Beta Pa Persistence in the productivity shock [0,1) Beta (Jr Standard deviation of the monetary shock IR+ Inv. Gam. Od Standard deviation of the demand shock IR+ Inv. Gam. &z Standard deviation of the supply shock IR+ Inv. Gam. a a. Standard deviation of the productivity shock IR+ Inv. Gam. 3 Estimation We use Bayesian techniques (Random-Walk metropolis Hasting algorithm) and Kalman filter algorithm in order to estimate both the parameters and unobserved potential output. The model is thus identified by using the Dynare toolbox for Matlab [6]. We use quarterly seasonally adjusted macroeconomic data of the Czech Republic from the second quarter 1996 to the fourth quarter 2008. Observable variables are quarter-on-quarter productivity growth, inflation and nominal interest rate. Productivity is obtained from the output growth of real GDP divided by the labor force. The inflation rate is based on CPI and interest rate is the 3M PRIBOR. Inflation and nominal interest rate are annualized. One of the alternative models uses data of the inflation target. The variables in the model are expressed as deviation from their steady-states. We have added measurement equations that relate the model variables to the data (instead of prefiltering the observed data): Yt°b*=1" + yt-yt-1, (13) 77tobs =7rss+47rt, (14) Robs = rrss (15) where jss is equilibrium growth rate of a non stationary technology shock, ttss is annualized inflation at the steady-state and rrss is real interest rate at the steady-state. Priors are presented in the Table 2. They are mostly in line with Table 2. Estimates - parameters and shocks Parameter Prior mean Prior s.d. Post, mean 90% HPDI T 1.10 0.50 2.3128 1.5128 3.0692 h 0.80 0.10 0.9661 0.9317 0.9982 V 1.50 0.30 1.5442 1.0440 2.0247 U 0.60 0.20 0.7944 0.7163 0.8774 1.50 0.30 1.3157 0.9985 1.5823 0.30 0.15 0.2706 0.0627 0.4794 pv 0.65 0.25 0.7290 0.6603 0.7990 pd 0.50 0.25 0.8308 0.7253 0.9414 Pz 0.50 0.25 0.5724 0.2029 0.9779 Pa 0.70 0.25 0.9336 0.8790 0.9953 Y3 0.50 0.30 0.6725 0.5067 0.8467 TV88 3.50 0.50 3.6368 2.8588 4.3909 rr88 1.80 0.30 1.7559 1.2991 2.1924 fjr 0.30 oo 0.3355 0.2771 0.3946 Od 0.50 oo 1.0901 0.4321 1.7915 &z 0.50 oo 0.4230 0.1050 0.9410 O-a 0.80 oo 1.4366 0.8301 2.0816 the estimates of similar estimates for the Czech Republic (see Musil and Vašíček [7] or Remo and Vašíček [8]). Prior hyperparameters of irss and rrss are obtained from the historical averages of inflation and real interest rate. 4 Results Table 2 reports posterior distributions of the structural parameters. The posterior mean of the parameter t is 2.31, intertemporal elasticity of substitution T_1 is thus 0.43. Households prefer actual consumption to future consumption. The parameter h is 0.97, i.e.past consumption plays crucial role in current decisions. The parameter r\ is 1.54. Elasticity for labor supply is therefore 0.65. This low elasticity is typical for the Czech labor market because of low flexibility of the labor force. Price rigidity is related to the parameter u>. The mean value 0.8 means that only 20% of firms change their price every quarter. The mean contract duration is thus five quarters. The reaction function of the Czech National Bank is based on the parameters pr, tp-ir a tjjy. Interest rate rule may be written as rt = 0.73rt_i + 0.367rt + 0.07gapt + er,t. (16) The smoothing parameter is relative high and plays the most important role in monetary decisions. Central bank places five times less weight on the output gap relative to inflation variations. The autoregressive coefficients for the shocks represent persistency of the shocks. Figure 1 plots the posterior mean of smoothed estimate of the output gap and its 90% confidence intervals. This trajectory may be compared with the gap obtained using Hodrick-Prescott filter. Using U.S. data we were able to replicate the original results presented by Hirose and Naganuma [5] which are similar compared with other commonly used estimates. Our output gap, on the other hand, illustrates Czech business cycles which are rather different to the estimate using HP filter. 1 1 1 1 1 -•-Outpu gap Output gap - HP filter %......y - \ \ \ v. / \ r f j \ V / \ \ .* ... \ - 1^96 199S £000 £002 £004 £006 £008 £010 Fig. 1. Output gap and confidence intervals Our approach shows the potential of the economy with flexible-prices that would prevail in the absence of cost shocks. We may present alternative estimates which measures output gap as the deviation of the actual output from its equilibrium (trend) level. In this case, the dynamics of the gap should be in accordance with HP filter estimates. This may be shown on the Figure 2. Resulting trajectories differ in levels because our data are detrended by steady-state growth rate of a technology shock (parameter 7SS). As argued by Woodford [9], an optimal monetary policy replicates flexible-price equilibrium, which can be the best outcome of the economy where gov- eminent offsets monopolistics distortions by appropriate transfers. The output gap that is defined here should be a useful measure for monetary policy makers (from a welfare perspective). Monetary policy is able to stabilize inflation and welfare of the households (approximated by the output gap). These goals are conformable with each other. New Keynesian approach to the output gap offers relevant economic background compared to the "traditional" estimates. Output gap is linked to real marginal costs which influence inflation within the Phillips curve framework. There is a strong relationship between output gap and inflation which may be used by monetary authority. / \ * If' // / \ / \ \ • n \ y / \ - \ \ / \ 4 * - GapP-adual output -«-Gap-potential output ^9S 199S £000 Ě00Ě £004 £006 £008 £010 Fig. 2. Actual output gap and potential output gap What says our output gap in the Figure 1? Its trajectory indicates the existence of rigid prices in the Czech economy. On the one hand, these rigidities have damped impact of recession in the period since 1997 and 2001 (positive output gap). On the other hand they restrain economic growth in the periods of the booms (negative output gap since 2005). Our results for the Czech economy show that the turning points in the gaps are accompanied by government changes (1998, 2002 and 2006). 4.1 Prior sensitivity and model alternatives Our results may be influenced by the choice of prior hyperparameters. We have specified two alternative prior sets based on tight and loose prior. Our choice concerns following parameters: t, h, rj, u>, i/v, ipy, jss, ttss and rrss. In the case of "tight prior" the prior standard deviation equals a half of the base one. In the case of "loose prior" the standard deviations has been doubled. As expected, for most of the parameters, deviations of the posterior estimates from the prior means were remarkable under the loose prior. The tight prior leads the posterior estimates close to the prior. The output gap is similar to the gap under the loose prior at the beginning of the period and to the gap under loose prior in the second half of the period. The output gap under the tight prior exhibits smaller volatility due to the smaller values of h and u>. The dynamic of all trajectories is almost the same within the whole period. Our baseline estimate may be taken as a relevant "compromise" estimate. We have made three alternative specifications of the model which may be more appropriate to describe the Czech economy. The first model (Model 1) assumes time-varying steady-state growth rate of technology shocks 7*s. The second model (Model 2) assumes time-varying steady-state inflation -k^s . The last model (Model 3) takes into account inflation targeting. In our case, inflation gap will be defined as the difference between actual inflation and its target level. The results are not sensitive to the changes in measurement equations. Obtained output gaps have similar dynamics in comparison with the basic model. They differ only in levels of the gaps and in the confidence intervals which are larger. Interesting results are offered by Model 3 which takes into account inflation targeting. Central bank was not able to achieve its inflation target at the beginning of the period of inflation targeting. This fact leads to higher volatility of the inflation gap in our model. The Phillips curve and the dynamics of the real marginal costs are the mechanisms through which the volatility of the output gap increases. For more detailed discussion about our alternative models and sensitivity analysis (including the trajectories of time-varying steady-state values) see Herber [3] or Herber and Němec [4]. 5 Conclusion In our contribution, we estimated the output gap which is consistent with the fully specified DSGE model. This gap is a useful measure for welfare of the economy. The output gap is a plausible indicator for monetary policy. Structural parameters may provide an economic interpretation for movements of the estimated output gap. Using U.S. data we were able to replicate the original results presented by Hirose and Naganuma [5] which are similar compared with other commonly used estimates. Our output gap, on the other hand, illustrates Czech business cycles which are rather different to other estimates (e.g. HP filter). This result may be typical for economies in transition. Rigidities in the Czech economy have damped the fall of economy in the periods of recession but they have hindered the potential growth in the periods of booms. Moreover, our results for the Czech economy show that the turning points in the gaps are accompanied by government changes. Acknowledgement This work was supported by MSMT project Research centers 1M0524, and funding of specific research at ESF MU. References 1. Calvo, G. A.: Staggered Prices in a Utility-Maximizing Framework. Journal of Monetary Economics, 12(3), 383-398 (1983) 2. Galí, J.: Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle. Princeton University Press (2008) 3. 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